
Whats a good monument in paris to do a project on?

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Whats a good monument in paris to do a project on?




  1. take the obelisque from the Place de la Concorde, it was brought from egypt, it would be good for a project

  2. First off, don't pick the Eiffel Tower. It isn't a monument.

    The Arc de Triumph is less known about monument, but you would be able to find a lot of research on it. It is dedicated to Napoleon. It is also easy to draw/build/model if artwork is part of your project.

    Email me at if you want some websites with really good research. I know a bunch.

  3. I always liked the Panthéon.  It is located on the Left Bank, in what is called the "Latin Quarter," and it is a monument (former church building), dedicated to the great civilian heroes of France.  There are famous people buried there:  Victor Hugo, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Voltaire, Emile Zola, Marie Curie, and Louis Braille, to name a few.

    It is important for me because some of the great political philosophers who formed the philosophical foundation of the American [and French] Revolution are there.  

    Oh, yes, if you are interested in science, there is a Léon Foucault exhibit there showing an 1851 experiment which proves the rotation of the Earth (Foucault pendulum suspended from the dome).

  4. It depends on what kind of project it is. But you can pick :

    Sainte Chapelle, Basilique St Denis ( French Kings are buried there), or the Hotel des Invalides.

    You can also pick more recent monuments such as L'arche de la Défense, or Le Centre Pompidou.

    You can contact me for further details.

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