
Whats a good moveset for raichu and slowbro?

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  1. First of all, it depends on the game you use. I'm going to give you move sets for PKMN D/P (assuming you have it).

    Raichu could either go for Special Attack or regular Attack.

    Here is a move set for Sp. Attack:

    Raichu @ Leftovers.

    Nature: Modest. If you're into EV training, train it by: 252 Sp.Attack/ 252 Speed/ 6 HP

    -Nasty Plot

    -Focus Punch (for hitting special walls like Blissey)

    -Grass Knot (to hurt ground types)

    -Thunderbolt (its most reliable Same Type Attack Bonus Move)

    This is a move set for Physical Attack:

    Raichu @ Leftovers

    Nature: Lonely

    EVs: 252 Attack/ 252 Speed/ 6 HP


    -Focus Punch

    -Thunder Punch

    -Grass Knot (this is for bulky ground-type walls like Swampert, Rhyperior, etc)

    Slowbro is a good Physical Wall, so you should treat it as one.

    Slowbro @ Leftovers

    -Slack Off

    -Calm Mind (its Sp. Defense is kinda low, so this helps a lot)


    -Ice Beam (hitting common dragons) OR Grass Knot (for hitting other water types that are hard to hit with Surf + Ice Beam

    Of course, you can take out Calm Mind and add in another Sp. Attack move (depending on your preference). Then you can take out Leftovers for Life Orb (Slack Off can get rid of your recoil)

    If you have another game, you can just replace the DP moves for other moves depending on your set.

  2. raichu should have volt tackle, thunder, thunderbolt and iron tail  

    slowbro should have surf, blizzard, physcic , and waterfall

  3. Raichu:


    Iron Tail





    Ice Beam


    Confuse Ray

  4. RAICHU-




    I am not sure about Slowbro but it can be an

    HM slave.

  5. Slowbro- Hydro pump

                     Ultra pump


                     Ice Beam   and if you attach a king rock to a slowbro and trade and the trade it back, it will evolve into a Slowking.

    Raichu- Thunder

                  Thunder Bolt

                  Extreme Speed

                  Double Team

  6. For Raichu teach thunderbolt thunder iron tail and (pls decide the last one on yourself)

    slowbro teach surf psychic blizzard/ice beam and strength or rest

    13 hours ago

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  7. For Raichu electric type moves are effective. For slowbro, probably ones like Dream Eater, and Sleep and ones like dat

  8. Slowbro @ Leftovers

    Bold, Trait: Own Tempo, 214 HP/252 Def/44 Sp.Atk



    Ice Beam/Thunder Wave/Calm Mind

    Slack off

    Surf and Psychic for STAB. Ice Beam gives you type coverage against Grass and helps ward off Dragons while Thunder Wave helps deal with Physical Sweepers and makes up for Slowbro's lack of Speed. Slack off is a must to stay in battle.

    Not sure about Raichu. Volt Tackle/Surf Pikachu's are pretty popular, since you can give him a Light Ball and increase damage by 50%

  9. this helps me all the time. go to and type in pokemon (game name) best moves for (pokemons name). Then look for the website and click it. It gives you every move it can learn, all weaknesses and strengths, and stat range. It also shows you the type of move, power and accuracy. This is your best option.

  10. for raichu..

    iron tail, thunder, thunder bolt, and shockwave


    water pulse, physic, shadow ball, surf/earthquake either one

  11. Raichu is a normal-electric type pokemon. when fighting toughies, (Steelix etc) Raichu will need powerful special attack moves. I recommend:

    Raichu: Thunderbolt (Classic move of an electric type)

                  Quick Attack (A sure hit 1st move, which provides an upperhand to urself.)

                   Light Screen (Provides solid defense)

                   For the last one you can put an attack with a high special attack stat.

    Snowbro is a good mix of types.

    Moveset I recommend: Ice Beam (Classic move), Psychic (A powerful psychic type that will finish many pokemon off), Surf (Also a strong move with an attack of 95), and the last one u can put a fighting move.

    I hope this helps.

  12. I say that for raichu thunderbolt, iron tail, double edge, and brick break

    for slowbro surf, psychic, earthquake, and rest

  13. richu                                                     slowbro

    thunderbolt                                               psycic

    sizemicktoss                                            rest

    protect                                                       aqua beam

    blizzard                                                     hyper beam

      i dunno if you can teach slow bro hyper beam if you can then do it

  14. Raichu

    thunder, thunder bolt, volt tackle, strength


    surf,  hydropump, muddy water, strength


  16. Raichu-Thunderbolt


                -Nasty Plot

                -Grass Knot

    Slowbro-Calm Mind



                  -Slack Off

  17. I am a pro for pokemon i beat the game pokemon diamond and i can't wait until the next one comes out did u know that theres gonna be a new pokemon. Anyways the best move for raichu is Thinderbolt wich has a really good 70% of paralizing the foe. And for slowbro the best move would be ice beam wich can also paalize the foe but it can also freeze the foe too. Hope this info help.

  18. hi,

    i have been playing Pokemon for a while and i have some websites that help me get a good move set for certain Pokemon. so i will do that for raichu and slowbro i will also add in nature and Ev spread, also what item it should hold

    slowbro nature: bold (+def / - att)

    212hp / 252 def / 12 spd / 34sdef

    item: leftovers


    surf or hyper pump



    calm mind or amnesia

    you can also take one of the moves out and add ice beam good ice attack , good against grass but so is psychic.

    alright i will do the same for raichu

    raichu nature: hasty (+ sAtt / -def)

    252 att / 150spd / 108 sAtt

    item : leftovers


    focus blast or if want more accuracy brick break


    thunder if u want more accuracy thunderbolt

    wish / substitute

    also raichu has better stats but first get moves from pikachu then evolve

    hope i helped │☻☺☻☺│

  19. raichu thunderbolt, iron tail, thunder,  volt tackle. slowbro psychic, surf, mega punch, calm mind.                                                                                                                     hope i helped.

  20. Raichu- thunderbolt iron tail, brick break, toxic

    Slowbro- psychic, ice beam, surf, earthquake

  21. Raichu could have the following:

    Attacker: Brick Break

                     Giga Impact

                     Volt Tackle

                     Swords Dance (if possible)

    Defender/Staller: Toxic

                                  Light Screen

                                  Thunder Wave

                                  Brick Break (really reccomended)

    Speed Attacker: Agility

                                 Giga Impact



    I recommend the Speed Attacker. if that doesn't work try attacker then defend/staller.


    Special Attacker: Psychic

                                   Water Pulse

                                   Ice Beam

                                   Shadow Ball

    Tank:  Amnesia

               Double Team


               Zen Headbutt

    Breeded Attacker (egg moves):  Future Sight

                                                             Me First


                                                             Ice Beam

    I reccomend Tank. if that doesn't work go with breeded attacker and then Sp. Attacker.

    I hoped i helped you. :). I 1 time had moveset trouble. good luck

  22. For raichu-

    Thunder/ Volt Tackle

    Rock climb/ rock smash/ Irontail/ earthqueak



    For slowbro_





  23. Raichu

    Thunderbolt (LVL. 26)

    Thunder (LVL. 41)

    Zap Cannon (TM 07)

    Light Screen (LVL 50)


    Psychic (LVL 54)

    Blizzard (TM 14)

    Icy Wind (TM 16)

    Fireblast (TM 38) OR earthquake (TM 26)

    Hope this helps

  24. I think Thunderbolt would be really good for Raichu, along with Thunder Shock. Psybeam, Strength (HM), or Hydro Pump would be really good for Slowbro

  25. If you got a Slowbro it's a good idea to have something like Trick Room. That makes Slowbro the fastest in the room for a while, but if you're bot playing Diamond and Pearl than Calm Mind would do okay. Also it should propably have Surf, psycic and Fireblast [yes it can learn fireblast] while Raichu is good with Nasty Plot [must learn as pichu] Thunderbolt, Grass knot and Focus blast, but if you have access to the battle revolution surfin pikachu then I think that'd be better, it knows Surf.

  26. Try this website for your movesets:

    Serebii might have movesets for these pokemon, depending on wich game you are playing.

  27. raichu: toxic, double team, thunderbolt, chargebeam

    slowbro: surf, psychic, hypnosis, dream eater

  28. For Raichu teach thunderbolt thunder iron tail and (pls decide the last one on yourself)

    slowbro teach   surf psychic blizzard/ice beam and strength or rest

  29. For the raichu make sure you have Thunder and Rain Dance. Slobro should have a good psychic move, a good water move (Surf comes to mind), and maybe some odd move no one would expect it to have like shadow punch.

  30. Raichu-



    Brick Break

    Light Screen


    Rain Dance (Makes Thunder way more accurate, and raises water move powers)



    Water Pulse

  31. for raichu mega punch iron tail and thunder for slowbrow blizzard bite psychic and sheer cold however articuno can also learn sheer cold and charizard and blastoise fissure for sure more than the other's sure fissure is helpful and sheer cold   ........................................... make me a best answer because fis  sure is really surely dead and sheer cold that's the two 1 hitKO only that i know plz me best answer

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