
Whats a good name for a rockstar/80's resturant??10pts!!

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Im going to be opening up my own resturant here in the next few month's.

I have yet to come up with a name for my venue!.

The Resturant is going have a Rockstar/80's rock look to it.

It's going to be an upscale resturant though.

What's a good name?

No funny joke's either please..If your that immature than go 4 it ;)




  1. Rubik's Kitchen

  2. The Wave

  3. Cocaine is a good choice but some people may find it offensive or whatever..just uptight people...Go with something a little more subtle. well not really subtle just a little better than flat out cocaine. here's  just some ideas..

    White Pony


  4. Flux Capacitor

  5. First of all, "Cocaine" is a bad idea. Yes, its a reality of the 80s, but its one that is not made public. Much less forced into our minds while we are trying to have dinner.

    I think you should focus more on the music and style of the 80s, not the addictions of the 80s.

    *lightbulb* "Addiction" sounds good. It sounds upscale, but still has that "cocaine feel" that you wanted.

    I can imagine myself saying "I want to try that new 80s style restaurant, Addiction." OR even "Vogue", after Madonna the 80s queen. I like that too.

    Try "Addiction", "Vogue", or "80's Queen".

    And then your drinks or plates can be named after popular 80s songs or artists, that would be a nice touch.

  6. Sledgehammer might be a good name.  If you name a restaurant Cocaine you will probably be harassed a lot by local law enforcement agencies and health inspectors looking for a reason to close you down.  It would be like naming a hip hop club "Crack".

  7. "1985"

  8. Don't name it after a drug, the only people who will come will all be druggies thinking it's a club or something.

    Take inspiration from the songs you'll be centered around. Look into all those classic bands and find one of their popular songs. That way, you get a name that people will recognize. And try to have it foo-related if possible.

    If you want to go for a kind of cheesy name, try Silver Platters.

  9. 1. THE  X~LOUNGE


    3. ROCKSTAR LOUNGE {the name speaks 4 itself}]


    5. THE CAINE VENUE ON 125th STREET...the street part is just 2 give u a look on it...LOL!!


    7.ROCK 08'....for the 80's but you rearrange the numbers for this


  10. rock n roll diner

    rock star corner cafe

    hollywood hills cafe

    rockers den

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