
Whats a good outlet for my secrets ?

by  |  earlier

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my head is going to explode i am keeping all these secrets and there killing me how can i get them out my head? - already tried the diary thing just made me really uncomftable to have them written down - nd i cant tell any1 plz help! thnx




  1. Try talking to your pet, it doesn't matter if it is a goldfish or a dog, it will make you feel better. I tell you, sometimes animals are the only things you can tell stuff to because you know they'll never tell.

  2. If you can a computer you can save your files on a disk.

    Or, you can see a therapist which can not reveal your secrets unless they are dangerous.

  3. How about writing them on paper and then burning them in a fireplace? Then they'll be gone. And it's kind of symbolic.  

  4. If you cant write them down, then you need to confide in someone. If your religious maybe a pastor or preacher. Or you can call the crisis hot line, its free & confidential.1800-273-TALK. Good Luck!!

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