
Whats a good paying job?

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I'm looking in to moving to NYC in the next three years or so. And I was curious, what is a job that I can support myself while living in Manhattan? I'm enrolled in college, but not quite sure of what to major in? I will pretty much do any job, as long as it has a future and good pay! :D Thank you sooo much:]

and for any one that lives over there, whats the weather like? Ive been doing my research and some of my friends down there say it has a bit of both, lots of rain, and some sun. Whats your opinion?




  1. Hi, well first off New York City is a great exciting place to live at. Good choice, even though I live in New Jersey in the Union County, I've visited NYC plenty of times in my life. For a job I'd recommend a good classy restaurant as a waitress or a hostess. That should be a good pay rate to support a living in Manhattan. The weather is balanced by the way. Winter, it's cold and snowy. Summer hot and sweaty, plus a few rain showers and thunder storms. During autumn it's beautiful with the leaves and the refreshing breeze. While in spring it can be kinda chilly during early March, but it gets warmer during April, which you will see a lot of rain for a while. I really hoped this helps and good luck on your future move to NYC A.K.A the Big Apple. If you want to know anything else about NYC, you can ask me. Bye and again, good luck! :]

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