
Whats a good photo editing program if

by Guest66670  |  earlier

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what a good photo editing program if i want to have a black and white photo with an object of interest in color.

sorry i don't know what its called, that might help too




  1. The process is called Selective Color or Colorizing.  

    I do it in Photoshop.

    Here's a tutorial:

  2. Most of the main photo editing software programs can do this. For hobbyist I recommend photoshop elements. Its easy to use and fairly inexpensive if you shop around

    To do this in photoshop

    Start with the color digital file

    Open the photo in elements

    Duplicate the background layer

    Use the lasso tool to select the person in the picture or the part of the picture you want to be stay in color ( you may be able to use the magic selections tool,brush instead, if you are using the magic selector brush just paint a squiggly line around the inside of what you want to select )

    Once you have selected the area go to the select menu and choose inverse, now everything you did not select is selected

    go to the ehance menu - adjust color and choose remove color ( or you can desaturate with the saturation controls )

    Deselect the area by pressing ctr-D

    If your selection is not what you want delete the background copy and start over from the step where you created it

    Save under a different file name

  3. If you're looking for something free and easy try

    It's an by google, downloads in like 3 mins, and totally free.

    Use the "focal black and white" tool.

  4. Adobe Photo Shop CS3 is by far the best photoediting program as well as the industry standard

  5. Adobe's Photoshop is the industry standard and the easiest to learn how to use. It does almost everything and can easily do what you're asking about. [Demo copies are free at C-Net's]

    You convert your photo to PNG file format and use the Duplicate function to create a 2nd file.

    On the 1st image file, you use the Color Variation button's Color Saturation mode to wash out the image color. Making it a grayscale image.

    On the 2nd image file, you can use the Eraser Tool to erase around your object of interest.

    Finally, you copy the entire 2nd file image and paste it as a layer on top of the 1st image. (using the Bring Foward function if the b/w layer ends up on top).

    For the best results you should tweak the b/w or color image before you mash them up.

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