
Whats a good prank to pull on my friends?

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i want to pull good pranks on my friends, what should i do




  1. Attemtped To Run them over with your car and see if they doge.but dont actually hit them.Do it for kicks just to see them panic!HAHA

  2. We tivo'ed a Big Game drawing one night.  Then we went out and bought a ticket with those numbers.  Then, when we had a party, my friend gave the tcket to his wife and said, "Here check these numbers, I have to go to the bathroom."  As we played the drawing back, she got so excited, screaming and jumping up and down and looking like a fool.  It was hilarious.  Make sure to video tape their reactions, it is priceless.

  3. Go to the library. Leave them alone. Don't be childish.

  4. Take a few friends out on a night of a full moon. (have one friend in on this) As your walking say this:

    You:"Oh my good, it's getting late"

    Friend: What? it's not like your going to turn into a werewolf

    You: Ya, the one that bit me was pretty specific about that

    Other friends: *FREAK OUT*

    Ya, I did get this from RobotChicken so don't go saying "omg you got this from RobotChicken"

    Edit: Oh and make sure none of your friends have a gun.

  5. okay, someone is actually answering:

    get a pack of oreos

    open them up

    scrape out the cream (do not damage the cookie)

    meanwhile, take some creamy horseraddish

    spread it on the cookies and close them back up

    offer them to your friends( keep one normal for yourself, and calmly eat it like theres nothing wrong with the rest)

    (the horseraddish can be substituted for white toothpaste which is even nastier)

  6. gurjit...what are you 10? -_-......light him on fire!!

  7. glue a quarter to the ground outside your house. hours of entertainment. i just fell for this. quite embarrassing.  or you can attach a dollar bill to a fishing line and hide behind a bush. thats funny too.

  8. when they sleep put their hand in water

  9. take a lot of hole punch circles and put them in your friends air conditioning vent and turn it on high so when they start the engine it will blow up in their face.

  10. lit bag o poo

  11. Pour a little warm water on their pants, and wake them up and say, WOW YOU PEED YOUR PANTS. lol. Or put makeup on them. =]

  12. oh dude if your friends drink do this:

    Next time, two of your friends pass out drinking, put them next to each other and put their arms around each other and when they wake up theyll think they slept with each other! (my friend actually did this (not to me though))

    ..Or for something more simple, do the classic shaving cream on hand/tickle nose trick.

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