
Whats a good present for xmas for my nephew he is 8 and has autism.?

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Whats a good present for xmas for my nephew he is 8 and has autism.?




  1. Without knowing anything about your nephew and his level on the spectrum,I would suggest a puppet.It can help with encouraging/improving verbal communication.

  2. Get him one of those blow up punching bag dummies.

    I had one when I was little it was awesome.

    If I remember mine was Popeye, Popeye took a good beating and kept coming back for more it was great!

    With me I was Hyper, with your nephew Autism has violence tendencies right? So this would be good to let some of that out in a constructive way.

    Maybe it would one day in a few years lead him into martial arts like happened with me.

  3. I hope you can get some birthday present ideas for your dear little nephew from here.


    Toys that appeal to children with Autism


    Experiment with talking toys, games on computers, musical instruments, squeaky toys and all sorts of music. Clapping together, rhymes, repeating phrases and tongue twisters are useful activities. Auditory Integration Therapy may help in dealing with sounds.

    Some children on the autistic spectrum respond to music but not voices, in which case music therapy may help. Try speaking in a melodic or “sing-song” voice and see if the response improves. Try different tones of voice, pitches, and gauge your child' reaction. Loud or unexpected sounds generally won't be liked. Explain noisy toys to the child first then introduce it at a distance. In extreme cases, it may be worth introducing noise-making toys using social stories.


    As you can gather, parents may need to play detective in finding the sensations their child is enjoying. Autistic kids were often reported as staring at nothing when young by their parents, when they were actually entranced by the movement of shadows on a wall, or listening to wind moving through the trees outside. Parents may need to work hard to find the things their child enjoys visually. It could be anything that is long and narrow. I might be things of a precise shade of orange. A preference for looking at straight lines is often reported. There are many toys that aim at stimulating sight with bright color schemes and flashing lights. Remember your child probably won't want to be taken by surprise! In some cases, visual therapy may be able to help.

  4. I have a 14 yr old son who is autistic. He goes through

    different phases. Chose something the boy likes.

    Remember every child is different. Asking his parents for

    input is a good idea. If you are able to take him shopping,

    let him pick the gift. Chose wisely in order to advance his learning process if possible.

  5. It would depend on his areas of interest and his abilities.  Ideally it would be related to something he is fixated on (so it would hold his interest) while also addressing an area he needs work in...for instance, if he is fixated with trains and needs to work on math skills you could get him a train set (even a simple one) so he can work on adding various cars, counting, sorting (especially if there are many different color cars), etc.  If he needs to work on reading and/or word recognition then a simple book about trains (or his area of interest).  There is no one simple answer and what may appeal to a typical 8 year old boy may be completely ignored by an autistic one, this is why it is good to consider his area of interest.  Good luck.

  6. A Rubik's cube

  7. He probably has special areas of interest.  Ask his parents what he is into.  If you can get him a specific gift from his wish list, that is the best thing.  Many of these kids don't like surprises, and you may end up being disappointed if he is not interested.

    Please don't automatically assume that he will enjoy the same things as other autistic kids!  (If someone bought my son a train, he would not be happy.)

  8. depending on ya intentions.

    but if u wana give him something he like, give choo-choo train. trains & all other automobile are autism children's favourite.especially boys!

    or any sort of puzzles.

  9. What does he like to do?  What do his parents think?  Those are things I would go with.

  10. robot!

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