
Whats a good reason to have a police radar besides so you can speed?

by  |  earlier

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i just want to know a legidement reason for owning a police radar besides you can speed ..




  1. Most people think that a radar detector is just so you can speed and slow down when the radar detector alerts. But I use my radar detector as a safety device, to remind me to watch my speed.

    On the highway, I get passed by many more vehicles than I pass. When I pass a vehicle, that vehicle is usually driving well BELOW the speed limit. I never worry about getting a speeding ticket, because I am almost always driving at the speed limit or less than 5 MPH over and there is ALWAYS someone passing me. But I have a radar detector. Why?

    In a perfect world, we would always drive at or below the speed limit. However, humans tend to be imperfect and occasionally make mistakes. In a moment of distraction, you may accidentally exceed the speed limit. At one of those moments, a police radar gun or laser gun might happen to be pointed at your vehicle. A radar detector can ALERT you to potential speed traps and REMIND you to check your speed and slow down if necessary.

    Is a "slow down reminder" a BAD thing? I don't think so.

  2. what is your question?

    do you want to have a radar?

    or a radar detector?

    the radar itself does nothing except tell how fast someone is going... not much of a help for you, unless you want to check out other peoples speed. and a detector.... that's easy, so you can speed with a false sense of security. there are numerous types of radar that the police use, including laser. Radar detectors cost from $50 to hundreds depending on how many features. So having a radar detector allows you to speed, it's not always effective, but it can save you some $$$ and points on your license, and in turn, keeping your insurance in check.

    so, police radar??? no good for anything, detector... good sometimes for warning you where the police are shooting radar. but, some states it's illegal to own or use a detector... better find that out first.

  3. RADAR does not allow you to speed.  A radar DETECTOR used to help, but many departments now use laser speed detectors or other methods that a radar detector will not spot.  There are also 'instant on' radars that are take a reading as soon as the go active.  If one of these sets of your detector, you have already been caught.

    wo_manifest:  An officer attending to victims of an accident generally does NOT have their radar active.  The BEST your answer would do is cause them to LAUGH at you.  Then again, if you make them laugh, they may cut you some slack.  Also:  In MOST states, you can't be charged with HAVING a radar detector.  The are only illegal in a few states.

  4. How about this:

    "Officer, the reason I have a radar detector is so I can find out when there are police in the vicinity attending to the victims of an accident, so I can slow down and be sure not to add to the problem."

    You'll probably get in trouble anyway, because some of the police don't use a radar gun to bust you speeding. They parallel you in your blind spot until they figure out how fast you're going. Then they bust you for speeding *AND* for having a radar detector. Why not get someone to wire one up under your hood with a remote on/off switch that looks like a control for your car stereo, and a headset for the alarm?

  5. There is no legitimate reason for having a RADAR detector in your car.  If you have one, then you intend to break the law every time you start your car.  If you are not speeding, then what does it matter if a police officer is on the area?  Just drive right and you won't have to worry about it.

    Besides, if you do get stopped (because RADAR detectors do not really work as advertised) with a RADAR detector, the officer is more likely to cite you.

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