
Whats a good river kayak for a beginner?

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I have never been kayaking before but I would like to get into it. I live near the James River in Virginia. Some parts are slightly rocky, but its pretty good for kayaking. What would be a good kayak to get and where should I get it? My price range is $500-$700, but not more than that because Im buying a rack for my car too...Thanks!




  1. Borrow someone's kayak and try it out first, because you may be in for more than you bargained for.  Go with people who know what they're doing.

    Go with a Dagger kayak when you do buy.

  2. what kayak you buy is depedent on expericence and abilty, your height and weight. i would advise you to find a local club or kayaking shop and speak to an instructor whom can advise you, whilst looking at your body hieght and weight. hope this helps.

  3. Actually...anything calm is good for beginners. Try a guided tour with friends and then take off on your own. You can really learn a lot fast and have a ton of fun at the same time.Safety first.As far as buying a can get good used ones from rental places at the end of the season...and all the accessories.Have a good time !!

  4. For a beginner I suggest you to buy a 12 -14 ft wide bottom kayak.  You should look for kayak that has good "initial stability"

    Kayka width about 24-26"

    I would recommend something like this:

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