
Whats a good scholarly site that I could use for reference about mtdna and y chromosome in anthropology?

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  1. You could always surf pubmed for free abstracts and articles but if your looking for anything scholarly published by anthropologists, your going to have to jog down to your local institution of higher education and browse the journals there.  I would recommend searching through American Journal of Human Biology, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, or the Annuals of Human Biology. Wish I could help you out more but best stuff is always in journals. If your determined about using web based sites for sources try searching for migration, genetics, and anthropology and you may get a few sites.



  3. Wikipedia!!!!

  4. as a rule of thumb, its best to use scholarly journals as references.. its ok to refer to a website or two, depending on the content, but dont rely on them.. profs no like-ee..

    if you're at a post-secondary institution, you should have web access to an online database of scholarly journals... you can still access them from your home, and they're alot more reliable and trusted..

    good luck on the paper

  5. American journal of primatology: very good in references to human evolutionary trends: I've personally seen a lot on mtDNA, satellite, and y chromosome evidence. Google it.

  6. Try:

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