
Whats a good type of guitar and how much does it cost o and same for drumset and where can i buy it ?

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  1. There are lots of great guitar brands.

    I would say try Epiphone or BC Rich.

    Those range from about 600 to about 1000 something.

    But remember: Expensive guitars usually have a better sound quality.


    These are devil guitars!

    Im a guitarist not a drummer, so Im not sure about the drumset.

    But go to and search through what they have.

    They sell drumsets there too.

  2. Well it depends really on what sound your looking for and how much you want to spend, I'll list some lower priced good brands for you

    if your looking for a shred or a throaty rock sound...Ibanez ( I own an RG series Strat, Good sound and very affordable),Esp ( i own a ESP Ltd H-101FM BEAUTIFUL Guitar all around look and sound )

    If you like a more classic sound Fender and Gibson are good guitars that you can find cheaper on the low end but they do have high end guitars as well Les Paul's for instance.

    But with getting any guitar you can always put different pickups on it which can completely change the sound of the guitar to anything you want really along with pedals and other accessories.

    But you can look up prices for any type of musical equipment on these sites

    I bought my newest ESP off from

    And they send things very quickly and in perfect condition

    They really take care of theyre customers.

  3. Go to guitar center. pick up some and play them...see what you like.

    You will spend 300+ on a decent guitar. my last guitar was over 1k and I love it.  

    If you can afford it I would have you try the Jackson DK2, it is fantastic feel and stays in tune forever.

  4. for the guitar, yamahas are pretty solid beginner guitars and typically range from $100 - $200. I have a stagg myself that I got for $100 and I love it and my friend has a really good ibinez for $100. You really have to check the pitch (hard to explain, ask someone to show you) and attitude (height of guitar strings in refernce to the neck board--too high makes it extremely hard to play) of the guitar though.

  5. it all depends on what kind of guitar you wanna buy: acoustic or electric. I reccomend Fender cuz theyre awesome at what they do. : ) good luck  

  6. i just started learing how to play the guitar mine from guitar center

    i got a fender srat squier  i heard they are pretty good

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