
Whats a good way 2 tell ma dad im preg??

by  |  earlier

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idk he dosent lk ma babys daddy??




  1. alli can say is good luck and hope things go well dont tell him on fathers day thatcould make it worse

    good luck

  2. first of all, how old are you?

    second of all, if you're gonna be a mom..

    you should learn how to spell the word "my" correctly.

  3. buy him socks and sandles and then tell, u're gg to be a pop pop. u are now legally allowed to wear socks with sandles. =)

  4. sweety, obviously your pretty scared of what his reaction is gonna be..and unfortunately there is no easy know your dad and you know that hes gonna be hurt no matter how nicely you tell him..expressing anger is so much easier than crying so your gonna have to just expect it.  You also will have to prep yourself for the silent treatment cause while hes upset, he probably wont wanna talk to you..then again he might be all sweet about the whole thing...remember you know how your dad works..

    expect alot of drama...thats just what happens when your pregnant and your not supposed to be.

    maybe you could talk to your mom or someone you trust and have them there when you tell him as a 'support person'...i dont know...its up to know what...when this ordeal is over and youve had baby, hes most probably gonna love being a grandpa...usually the really stubborn ones are like that...(my dads one of them)..good luck with everything...hope the pregnancy goes well....

    okay so i just read that your that case...there is just no easy way full stop. You shouldnt be having s*x at this age anyway...your probably gonna get a good slapping! expect it..

  5. On father's day give him a card with an ultrasound pic inside...if you have had one done or are having one before father's day.  If you do not have one, ease into it.  He may not be happy about it, but then again, he may be really happy.  You just have to build up the courage.

    Good luck to you and congratulations.

  6. walk up to him and say "hello grand-pa"

  7. Well, he might not be thrilled then, but perhaps on Father's Day (coming up) give him a happy grandfather's card and tell him he'll be a grandfather on whatever your due date is.

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