
Whats a good way for me to be REALLY smart.?

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Okay , im in year 8 at school im REALLY dumb i revise lots but i always end up failing please someone give me tips on been smart please !




  1. Find a way of learning that works for you. This may be:

    - Reading big pieces of information and putting it in your own words

    - Making mind maps/spider diagrams with things that you are trying to learn

    - Listen to music whilst trying to learn something at home

    - Answer questions on the topic

    - Writing things on post-it notes and putting them around your room

    - Draw pictures with the things you are trying to learn

    - Repeat it out loud until you remember it

    - Record yourself saying the things you are trying to learn then listen to it

    - Watch other people doing the problems then repeat it yourself

    - Work for 15 minutes, have a 5 minute break, work for anothere 15 minutes, have another 5 minute break, and keep doing that until you are happy with your progress

    - Maybe even acting it out

    - Set yourself goals that you think you will be able to achieve with a bit of effort, then when you reach those goal, take a break or reward yourself

    - Research stuff for yourself

    There are many different ways. Approach your PSHE teacher, and ask if they have any books with different ways of learning and if they have any advice for you.

    Take the VAC learning style test to find out your way of learning then find ways of using your own abilities and develop onto them.

    Good luck! :)

  2. Find a tutor and study 4 days a week!

  3. just keep studying and pick subjects that you are interested in.

  4. you can do brain exercises such as crosswords and sudoko (i think i spelt it wrong) as often as you can...they do sharpen the memory... lots of fish and almonds...they do give brain power...

  5. Just do your best , and be happy with the results you get , knowing in your heart you gave it 100 %

  6. study a lot

    spend a lot of time on at home assignments

    hang out with smarter people, they can help you in and out of class

    listen to the teacher

    take classes you like

    if you don't like the teacher maybe try to switch out

    ask questions

    do more than the teacher expects

    study with friends

    study before bed

    study for 4 hr each night if you want to

    (I don't advise but it works for one of my friends)

    do group projects with the smarter students

    get any extra credit you can

  7. get in the smart mood. even if it means changing friends to smarter ones and smarter clothing. glasses?

    anyway, just study and dont give up to fast.

  8. pay attention in class

    ask a teacher if you dont get something

    read about things on the internet

    try to find something you are interested in and learn about that

    dont be afraid to ask for help from anybody

    revision doesnt really make you clever it just helps you remember stuff so dont put tooo much emphasis on it. granted it is useful.

    but remember, at the end of the day, just because you fail a few tests doesnt mean you arent smart, there is more to life than intelligence, so play sport of have some hobbies to break up the work and it will help you to learn better

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