
Whats a good way (home remady) to get rid of heart burn?

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Whats a good way (home remady) to get rid of heart burn?




  1. Here are some common remedies in no particular order:

    1. 2-3 gulps of warm water

    2. One teaspoon of yellow mustard with about 1/2 glass ofwater

    3. 1 tablespoon of vinegar

    4. celery--it is highly alkaline, which counteracts the acid

    5. eat 5 or 6 raw almonds no salt

    6. 1 tsp of honey

  2. Liquid chlorophyll and pineapple are both supposed to help.

  3. Raw spinach leaves or cucumber.  Cucumber is very alkaline, the perfect thing to cancel out that acid giving you heartburn.

  4. baking soda and water.

  5. My dad always used to drink a big glass of milk..

  6. The juice of half a lemon in a glass of warm water 10 minutes after yur meal; it kills heartburn dead.  The other alternative Cayenne Pepper is an alkaline for the stomach should if an ulcer drink it as a tea. Banana also helps for heartburn

  7. a drop of peppermint oil on your finger tip and suck it.

    Peppermint has a cooling effect.

    The better question though is what's causing your heart burn, how long have you had it?

    Don't treat the symptom of heart burn but treat what's causing the heart burn; improper digestion.

    We gotta look at your digestion; what other symptoms do you have besides the heart burn?

  8. Short answer: try some apple.  You don't have to eat the whole thing.  A couple slices can often do the trick.

    Long answer: Heart burn is typically caused by a deficiency of stomach acid.  When you don't have enough stomach acid to digest your meal, the food just sits in your stomach because the proper signals to move the food from your stomach to the small intestines are not getting sent.  The partially digested meal then has the opportunity to ferment in your stomach, which produces organic acids.  It's the buildup of these organic acids from the fermenting food in your stomach that usually is the culprit for heart burn.

    Strategies that go after neutralizing the acid in your stomach or reducing the production of stomach acid can offer temporary relief of symptoms, but will not solve your underlying problem if the root cause of the heartburn stems from digestive weakness.  In fact, products like Prilosec which go after reducing stomach acid production make the situation worse because what little stomach acid you were producing is now even less.  This is why chronic heartburn sufferers typically cannot go off of their medications.

    So what can you do to improve the digestive power of your stomach?  There are some common personal habits I see among people who suffer from heart burn on a regular basis.  

    First, heart burn sufferers tend to eat too fast.  If you don't chew your food and you've got low stomach acid, you're contributing to your heartburn by making it harder on yourself to digest your food.  Your stomach is not a washing machine with an agitator in the middle and you definitely don't have teeth anywhere else along the digestive tract to assist in the breakdown of foods.  So if you take the time to chew your food to a liquid, you should see an improvement with your heartburn.  Just try to make the effort to chew twenty times before you swallow.  Once you get used to this, then bump it up to thirty times.  I personally try to chew at least 50 times before I swallow and if you really want to take it to an extreme level, you can do what my father preached to me: chew 100 times.  

    Besides, by taking the time to chew your food you'll probably eat less because you can take notice of when you're not hungry anymore.  Then you can stop before you eat too much.

    Second, heartburn sufferers tend to drink a lot of liquids during meals.  Well, if your stomach isn't producing enough acid in the first place and then you dilute it by drinking 8oz, 16oz, or more in liquids, you've really compounded the problem.  So try to limit your fluid intake during meal times to zero.  Do you find that you just have to have something to wash your meal down?  Well, that probably means you're not chewing well enough.  Chew more.  Use your own saliva to 'wash' it down.

    Third, I see a lot of heartburn patients that really like their protein.  Try going completely vegetarian for dinner.  Proteins take longer to digest and require more stomach acid to properly break them down.  By removing proteins from the last meal of your day, you are easing the digestive load you place on your stomach in the short time you have before going to bed.

    I personally like to recommend Green Kamut.  It works really well because it supplies a lot of minerals, trace minerals, and enzymes to help support the function of the stomach.  I have found many of my patients are much improved once they go on Green Kamut and some of them become totally symptom free and are not as sensitive to certain foods.  

    You can also try taking digestive enzymes with your meals to speed up the breakdown of your meals and expedite the movement from stomach to small intestine.

    And if all of this doesn't help enough, I would definitely recommend that you try some acupuncture.  Acupuncture can help to stimulate the function of the stomach and improve your body's capacity to digest.

    Yours in Health & Wellness,

    Hiroyuki Nakamura

    Licensed Acupuncturist

  9. Plenty of water or cold milk and yogurt are worth trying. Mint (Pudina) a herb is also praised. Over the counter tablets like Rifflux Forte are also helpful.

    Bland food and staying calm (free from worry, anger and anxiety) are very important.

  10. I have found real peperment candies

  11. The drug companies have every one believing that you have to much acid in your stomach.   For the most part that just isn't true.

       78% of heart burn is not enough acid.  You can prove this by the next time you get indigestion take some Apple Cyder Vinigar. and see if it is emediatly cured.

       For a long term cure, You need to get some Dr' Ohhera's Pro Biotics+12   found on line.  I wont go into here what all the benafits this product has.  But I can garentee you with in a couple of weeks after start taking these you will generally feel more healthy  and have no more gurd.

  12. HOME REMEDIES FOR HEARTBURN. Almonds are also a good source for relieving the heartburn and acidity. Eat several almonds when heartburn symptoms persist. ...

    Remedies from the Garden

    Walk into your favorite health food store and chances are you'll find a number of herbs that are reputed to fight heartburn. Daniel B. Mowrey, Ph.D., a psychologist and psychopharmacologist who has been researching herb use in medicine for 15 years, has looked at the evidence thoroughly and has come to the conclusion, that, yes, some herbal remedies do relieve and prevent heartburn.

    Gingeroot. This, says Dr. Mowrey, is the most helpful. "I've seen it work often enough that I'm convinced," he says. "We're not sure how it works, but it seems to absorb the acid and have the secondary effect of calming the nerves," he says. Take it in capsule form just after you eat. Start with two capsules and increase the dosage as needed. You know you've taken enough, says Dr. Mowrey, when you start to taste ginger in your throat.

    Bitters. A class of herbs called bitters, used for many years in parts of Europe, is also helpful, Dr. Mowrey says. Examples of common bitters are gentian root, wormwood, and goldenseal. "I can vouch that they work," says Dr. Mowrey. Bitters can be taken in capsule form or as a liquid extract, just before you eat.

    Aromatics. The aromatic herbs, such as catnip and fennel, are also reputed to be good for heartburn, "but the research on these is sporadic," says Dr. Mowrey.

    Some you should forget about. A group of herbs that includes irish moss, plantain, and slippery elm is often recommended, but "I have the least confidence in these," he says.

    Apple cider vinegar. Outside the herb family, an oft-touted remedy for heartburn is 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1/2 glass of water sipped during a meal. "I've used it many times—it definitely works," says Betty Shaver, a lecturer on herbal and home remedies at the New Age Health Spa in Neversink, New York. It may sound bizarre to ingest an acid when you have an acid problem, admits Shaver, but "there are good acids and bad acids," she says.

  13. Sower milk, yogurt

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