
Whats a good way to become tired if you're not?

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My sleep schedule is way off and I should really be in bed right now. in two weeks im gonna have to start waking up at like 6:30 because my school starts at 7:45. EEEK! Help please! =D

Thank you and God Bless.




  1. Drink warm milk with a teaspoon of honey before you go to bed.

  2. While laying in bed:

    - roll your eyes back in your head for as long as you can; or

    - lift your arms in the air for as long as you can bear it and then some

    These should bring on a sense of fatigue.

    An o****m will help, too. :)

  3. Eat a turkey sandwich and drink a glass of milk. sleep with a fan running for the white noise. Make sure you are comfortable. Read until you get drowsy. start getting up early in the mornings so you will be tired by bedtime.

    good luck!

  4. boredom

    nothing to entertain you

    and a personal favorite 2 glasses of milk (not sure if this works for anyone else but it knocks me out)

  5. I have read somewhere (alas, I don't recall where) that if you can't fall asleep within the first ten to fifteen minutes while in bed, you would be wasting your time staying there as it will take much longer to fall asleep. The suggestion is, if it takes you that long and you can't fall asleep, is to go and do something mundane and everyday (read a textbook, watch television, etc.) and after you have done this for a while, you should be "genuinely" tired. Try not to exercise soon before bed, and I recommend getting ready for bed (ie pjs, brush your teeth, etc.) earlier as I have personally found that washing my face etc. often wakes me up and gives me more trouble falling asleep. Hopefully this helps some! Best of luck.

  6. take a p.m. medacine like tylonol p.m. or a cold med or something like that

  7. Exercise works for most people although it doesn't work for me. I would also try watching the history channel. Some show like The Universe. I watch it a lot and I always fall asleep.

    I have the same problem and I was hoping someone would ask a question about it.

  8. This is going to sound SO weird, and it might not work for you, but it always works for me when I'm not tired

    I watch TV (anything you want to watch, it doesnt have to be something boring) but I turn the volume down so I can just barely hear it. During commercials, I close my eyes, and lay down. When the commercial break is over, i open my eyes back up, and watch TV again. Usually by the 2nd or 3rd commercial break, I'm too tired to even open my eyes after the commercial. Haha, It's soo weird, but it's worth a shot

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