
Whats a good way to bring farming to the city?

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i reallly need help this is my home work and its due nov 21.




  1. Potted plants.  Old ice cube trays or egg cartons are great to start seedlings and then transplant into larger pots as they grow.  There are places for potted plants everywhere.  Plants can be anything from tomato's, to string beans to flowers.  Do your homework and add some initiative and you have yourself an urban farm.

  2. Other than pots on the back porch or balcany.

    Many cities have vacant lots.

    Maybe an arrangement/lease can be worked out with the land owner or city to convert it to a community garden.

    It will need to be enclosed with a chainlink fence to keep out thieves and vandals.

    Depending on the location and city ordinances, small animals (e.g. chickens and rabbits) might be able to be housed there as part of a 4-H or school project.  The tax-deductable aspect of this might encourage contributions.

  3. gardening on a small to mid-scale

    I suppose on a larger scale, I read an article once about people proposing hydroponics in arcology-type buildings with climate-controlled environments.  Although the technology for hydroponics and interior climate control already exists, this kind of urban agriculture remains to be developed.

  4. Not unless you put it on a flat roof.  The city doesn't usually allow farming.  In New York City one time; someone was growing stuff on the roof of a big apartment building.  Good luck on your homework.

  5. you can plant some plants like eggplant or tomatoes in empty tin cans or some plastic bottles or if you have vaccant space that you can plant of the vegetables do it using empty tin can and plastic bottles or used tire as pots for plants is one way of helping the environment and also its called backyard farming.

  6. 1. City?...Money, Isolution, deadlines, dependent on temporary resourses. Liner thinking.

    2. Farm?...Nature, community, working with the weather (natural time), renewable and sustainable. Circular thinking.

    Which one sounds closer to being debt free and happy?

    How to bring Farming to the city? Explain all the many bennifits of Farming. Prove to people that is worth thier time. Farming fights globalization and brings the community closer together. Prevents global warming and Polution. Being around Nature and Animals relieves stress.

    Opps,...sorry if that is the larger picture,....I get carried away.

  7. Farming comes to the city every day on a truck. It's called food.

  8. What people are doing these days are growing plants on rooftops on major buildings to conserve energy. you could bring the pros and cons on how that could help the environment and help for a cleaner city...

  9. Sorry but it is not very likely you will qualify for a house mortgage

  10. under lights  hydroponics be exellent in a basement or old whare house

  11. Go back to world War II and review victory gardens.  They were largely terminated in 1946 after the war.  It may be time to renew the concept for a different reason.

    As part of the war effort, the government rationed foods like sugar, butter, milk, cheese, eggs, coffee, meat and canned goods. Labor and transportation shortages made it hard to harvest and move fruits and vegetables to market. So, the government turned to its citizens and encouraged them to plant "Victory Gardens." They wanted individuals to provide their own fruits and vegetables.  Farming was born in the cities and back yards all over the USA big time.  Here is a reference article to get you started. Good Luck.

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