
Whats a good way to find out if your boyfriend is cheating?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend has been giving me vibes he is cheating, he has done it before and I found out, with my own cousin, yeah pathetic I know, but as hard as it was to get over it, I put it in the past and It still stings alot, but I love him, anyway he is really good at being secretive and he flips when I ask questions like why he's home so late and just little things that remind me of before, I guess I know him better than anyone and I sense something, and since I was right before maybe I should go with my gut instinct, but it's just hard to know for sure and maybe I just am afraid of being hurt that badly again and paranoid, don't know, but does anyone have any tips on how to know for sure, some kind of advice on what to do to find out? We have a 7 month old little girl together and I just hope this isn't happening again, but I will drive myself crazy wondering and not knowing. I just need to know so I can move on with my life, and I hate it cause he makes me feel bad for thinking it, but if he didn't do it in the first place, I wouldn't be so paranoid, but if anyones got any advice or tips please share! Thanks!




  1. choke that b**** up and beat the truth out of him. use one of those black light to check his clothes for bodily fluids

  2. Honestly? Why waste your time? He cheated before, and now he is staying out all night and not respecting you or your relationship. That's good enough reason to end this charade of a relationship and set yourself up to move on to a more healthy relationship. Instead of trying to find out if he cheated - again - why don't you call an attorney and make sure your daughter is protected and then move on with your life? That's the smart move to make in this case.

    Good luck!

  3. Like most insecure women, you need to know WHY, WHY, WHY?  Sounds like you are basing your eternal happiness on what a man does.  You should instead take control of your life.  Lots of SINGLE moms are making it in this world without their cheating, lying boyfriends/husbands.  If he is yelling at you because you asked a simple question, then it is obvious that he is doing it again.  If a man really loves you and is truly sorry for betraying you previously, he would be more patient with you, holding your hand and reassuring you that you are the only one.  Instead, this man yells at you?!  You are a better woman than I because I would have kick him out the first time around, and took his butt to court for child support.  Do not allow a man to define who you are.  You are your own person.  Now take control of your life and get it together, girlfriend!

  4. This is why private eyes were invented.  Trouble is, they're expensive.

    You should start talking to some legal people so that when you dump him, he'll have to help with the kid.  If he's the dog that you suspect, you need to have your ducks lined up.  (And, if he's not, you need to get some help yourself.)

  5. Why waste your time finding ways if he is cheating or not..'once a cheater always be a cheater'

    Move on with your life and focus your time and attention to your lovable 7 month old little girl..

  6. smell his p***s when he comes in late... Imaybe...

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