
Whats a good way to get better in mens gymnastics and how do people get in the USA Gymnastics team????

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im 14 years old by the way and i just started




  1. The best way to get better is to work out a lot!  For a beginner, you should go to gymnastics at least twice a week, and increase to 4 or 5 days a week as you progress.  On your off days, keep up your conditioning:  pushups, pullups, situps, crunches, etc.  The more often you work out, the faster you'll progress.

    Once you've learned the required skills, you can begin competing at Level 4 or 5 -- then work your way up to Level 10.  To move from one level to the next, you'll need to do two things: (1) Get a certain score at a meet in your current level, and (2) Learn the skills required for the next level.

    Once you've competed successfully at Level 10, you can try out for the Elite Level.  At the elite level, you'll attend elite meets across the country; if you attain a certain score, you can qualify to compete at National Championships, which are held each June.  The top 20 scorers at Nationals make up the National Team for that year.  National Team members can be selected to compete in international meets such as World Championships and the Olympics.  

    Good luck, and have fun!  

  2. hey. well your going to go to competitions with ur gym. u will be divided according to ur level. wen u get really good at a higher level den u'll get recruded and u have to go through a whole process jst to accually get out der n compete and not jst be an alternat. hope i helped. bye  

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