
Whats a good way to invest my stimulus check?

by  |  earlier

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i have the extra income to spare, i need to know a surefire way to invest the money. not necessarily for my retirement, im only 24. and have 401k. Any ideas will be helpful.




  1. Start your own business.

    Buy gold or change to a different currency.

  2. Try or a mutual fund...(

  3. You need an emergency fund - cash on hand in case an emergency happens.  If you don't have one then you should use this stimulus cheack for that - put it in the bank and don't spend it.

    If you have an energency fund then how about a Roth IRA.  Google it - its a good thing.

    But I gotta think in this economic climate it might be good to put it in the bank in case something bad happens financially (like gas gos to $5, $6/gallon).

    But look into that Roth - its never too early to think about retirement.

  4. Maybe by Saving that Money for a Rainy day.

    Or do what the money was meant for: either to pay off a debt or spend it by buying something from a store.

    After all the stimulus check was meant to Boost the Economy.

    & when you buy something from a store you're boosting the economy. Because the business is making more profit & decreasing the chances of the business laying off an employee.

    Which means Less Unemployment.

    Which means = a Better Economy.

  5. Roth IRA - by the time you retire you won't know what to do with all the money you have accumulated. Time is money, especially with compounding interest. At 24 if you are a consistant saver you will be very wealthy by 65. The key is that once you put it into the roth IRA do not take any out until 65 - the earlier you withdraw money the worse the outcome.

  6. give it to me??

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