
Whats a good way to keep a 7-8 year old entertained for 3 and a half hours??

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i have to baby sit today and we need someting to do indoor. (no electronics) plzz help!??




  1. Board games, easy crafts, coloring, and building forts!

  2. board games:)

    monopoly takes ages...i'd go with that :D

  3. play a pretend game with them. pretend the house is a hotel and you and the child are checking in, you could make signs and room keys and stuff like that. or you could have the child pick out an object to draw and you could both dry to draw it and then color it in and hang it up.

  4. This works like a charm...I used to play "movie theater!" They would gather their stuffed animals, trucks, babies, etc and get them all into the show with paper tickets we made.  Then pop some popcorn and relax while they have a blast playing very cool "movie theater" while in reality they are watching a movie and you're relaxing too!

    Bonus: 9 times out of 10 they tell their parents when they get home how fun playing movie theater is and how cool you are!

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