
Whats a good way to like doing homework??

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i hate homework and i really need to get in the groove.






  1. no pain no gain is definitely a cliche but it is oh so true.  Let the potential to make money be your motivator.  homework = education =better income

  2. stay around smart people they will make u feel really inferior and u will study. and eventually ull find out its not so bad. and sometimes u can even take others homework and copy it, :) works all the time

  3. Do when your at school (if you have time).

    Or go home and do it right when you get there.

  4. This may sound silly, but the best way to want to do homework is to, well, find it interesting! This may sound very difficult, especially if you find the subject very boring. But, it can be simple if you start thinking about it's practical uses, why it applies to you or how it can be fun.

    If you're staring at your homework and you can't think of one reason you'd ever need to know the stuff on it, a simple conversation with the teacher who assigned it would help. Either before or after class someday, simply be honest and say you want to find the subject interesting, but just don't know how. More likely than not, your teacher will be happy to explain their point of view and maybe it will help you see what's so interesting about it. Even if you don't find a new hobby in it, your teacher will probably be happy that you cared enough about school to ask. Who knows? Maybe they'll cut you a bit of slack.

  5. Sit in a nice Comfy place

    Have a bowl of snacks and after every question, treat yourself.

    Do your homework with a friend. Just be sure to do it, and don't just talk. Be sure not to copy off of each other. Work as a team.

    Take a shower before setting down and doing homework. This refreshes your mind and body, and will make you less cranky as you study.

    Take a small nap before doing homework. This can be very refreshing, but don't oversleep!

  6. maybe some music would make it better, but don't put it too loud because then it could just be a distraction..

    and I'd suggest more relaxing music nothing that would want you to concentrate more on the music  then your homework..

  7. for many putting on my music helps me through the homework faster or doing it for 15 min and getting up to strecth (sorry can't spell) give it a try.

  8. take breaks so you odnt feeel so tied down, also listen to your favortie songs quietly to keep you in the mood not to loud to distract you though.

  9. If you can concentrate with it turn on some of your favorite music.

    Also you can bribe yourself. When a lot of kids get home from school they are hungry and or thirsty so tell yourself i can take a bite after i finsh these 4 problems. etc.

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