
Whats a good workout for volley ball?

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What are some good ways to get in shape for volleyball?

like little things you can do to help sharpen up your gaming




  1. ok i played volleyball for a while. i made  my school team so here are some tips. 1. warm up on the beach(if u live close to it) it helps u train. run on the beach.

    2. find a wall and hit it back and forth.occasionally try and spike it on the wall.  

    3. get a friend and pepper the ball

    those r some quick tips

  2. You can do what we do in jump training. This drill is used to build strength, vertical jump, and endurance. Find a staircase and this is what you do:

    1) run up the stairs and bring your knees up really high as you go

    2) after walking back down again, hop up the stairs with both feet (walk down after doing every routine twice)

    3) hop up the stairs with only your right foot

    4) hop up the stairs with only your left foot

    5) run up the stairs, but skip every other stair as you go

    6) repeat steps 1-4 but now when you hop up the stairs, you must skip every other stair step

    7) do step 5 every single time after you do step 1-4 twice

    Otherwise, if you want to just build endurance, run a mile every day. After 2 weeks of running a mile, a 1 mile so that you run 1 miles. After running 2 more weeks add another mile so that you run 3 miles now. Keep on adding 1 mile after every 2 weeks and you're endurance will never dwindle.

    Good luck. :)

  3. all of these suggestions are good.  any kind of sprinting and continuous jumping is excellent for volleyball.  do not run distance, it will hurt your vertical (it trains slow twitch muscles, for want to build your fast twitch muscles for explosiveness).

    workouts vary for individual athletes, as each usually have different things they need to work on.  so it isn't a bad idea to get a trainer (one who knows volleyball) if you're not sure on what you need to work on.  and the person with the comment about sand is right, i've played ball for 9 years, 4 on the beach, and since i've played on the beach, my indoor game has benefitted a lot because the sand works your legs extra hard, and the result is more explosiveness.

    basic exercises that will help anyones game are crunches, lower back lifts, and trunk twists for the core;  squats, leg extensions, hamstring work, and calf raises for leg strength;  and repetitive max jumping, olympic style lifts (only do these with supervision), stair running, and sprint work for leg explosive power.

    as far as working on your actual game, im not sure what you need to work on, but different drills are easy to find online if you search google.  if you find one and you aren't sure if it's a good drill, just ask us on here!

    hope that helps

  4. crabwalks around the court which helps build arm and thigh muscles and duckwalks which is when you are in a squated position and you walk around the court which REALLY help thigh muscles

    also just practice approaching the net a lot and you will build stamina, muscle and height

  5. what i like to do to get in shape for volleyball (i play) is i jump up and down continuously, then when you get tired try flexing your arms, like move them in and out, it really gets you worked up that is what i do most of the time or i sometimes lift weights to get ready if i have to spike or something, these may seem strange but they really work, try it sometime!

  6. queen of the coart

    teams of three. first team to  let the ball drop ios out and the winning team mooves up to the queen side of the coart. fun fun fun

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