
Whats a great game to play outside w/ a lot of people?

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I want a fun game to play outside w/ people that isnt sardines or capture the flag?!




  1. baseball, softball,frisbee,tag,tv tag, duck duck goose, mother may I, touch football, popcorn, relay race, obstacle course, cops and robbers. school. kickball,dodgeball

    it depends what age group you are talking about

  2. If ur with guys whiffleball (same as baseball but the ball is softer).or Man on woodchips at the park.

    Im really good with parties cuz i love to have friends over.

    SO,HOPE THIS HELPS!! Oh Forgot if u have a pool go swimming

  3. kickball ,dodgeball

  4. Volleyball

  5. drinking

  6. Frisbee

  7. You can play "Give me a Wave". It is a game where you have a person who is "it", and everyone else runs off and hides. The "it" person only needs to see the person and specify where they are. For example, if I saw someone move in the bush, I would say "I see *name* in the bush". The person who got caught goes to the predetermined "jail" area. The only way they can get out is if a person who is still in hiding waves at them. Once they have a wave, they still need to run away without the "it" person seeing them. It is a fun game, best played in a large outdoor area.

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