
Whats a group interview?????

by  |  earlier

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Hi i wanted to know whats a group interview and when you have an interview what do they as you?????




  1. Several interviewers in a room asking you questions. Sometimes, the interviewers line up several candidates and interview them. Stay focused and calm.

  2. something very annoying and stupid...much like an AA meeting you talk about yourself in a circle of other ppl competing for the same job....u have to try and make yourself stand out and make yourself seem better than the other ppl u are competing against for the job who are there, all the while seeming like a team player.

    If ur going to one...Have Fun! :)

  3. i had a group interview in august 2007.  hmm..lemme see..there was about 12 people in a conference room and the human resources manager is the one who is in charge of the interview.

    what will happen is that he will ask everyone "describe yourself in three words," "what is the best and worst customer service you have experienced," "how do you deal with someone of different values and beliefs than you."

    everybody gets to answer the question and the interview might last for about 2-3 hours, depending on how much info people have to say about themselves.

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