
Whats a hangover like?

by Guest57243  |  earlier

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i got really drunk one day. but im not quite sure if i had a hang over being that nobody really explained to me what a hangover is like.




  1. The long list of symptoms, documented in numerous medical and literary sources and abundant in personal accounts, can be grouped into eight categories: constitutional (fatigue, weakness, and thirst) ; pain (headache and muscle aches) ; gastrointestinal (nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain) ; sleep and biological rhythms (less sleep, and more disturbed sleep) ; sensory (vertigo, and sensitivity to light and sound) ; cognitive (decreased attention and concentration) ; mood (depression, anxiety, and irritability) ; sympathetic hyperactivity (tremor, sweating, and increased pulse rate and systolic blood pressure).

    Some hangover symptoms are due to the direct effects of alcohol on the body — as a diuretic for example, increasing urination, dehydrating the body, and increasing thirst. Other symptoms result from the body's efforts to cope with the removal of alcohol and counteract its depressant effects on the central nervous system. Unpleasant sensations such as tremors, sweating, and rapid heartbeat plague the sufferer. Behaviours associated with the previous evening's drinking, such as eating too little, having less sleep than usual, or overdoing it on the dance floor, may also account for some of the aches and pains.

    hope this helps!

  2. feeling nauseated, usually accompanied by a headache.. depending on how much you drank, the symptoms can be worse or not as bad..

  3. sleepy, headache, dizzy, nausea, just an all- around icky feeling. Believe me, if you have a hangover you'll know it
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