
Whats a home remede for swimers ear?

by Guest45001  |  earlier

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my ear is killing me !

i dont even know if i have swimers ear but my ear hurts badly,it feels like its full ,and when i tyred to clean it with a Q-tip the Q tip didnt fit!




  1. It sounds as though you now have an infection, if the ear is swollen.

    Suggest you talk with a pharmacist and ask for an OTC product.

    You may also need a doctor visit.

    The home remedy is only good if you can catch the problem is the first 12 to 24 hours. After that the bacteria sets in and an infection pursues.

    Warm moist compresses may give you some relief for the pain.

  2. Tip your head to the side (problem ear upward) and pour a small amount of alcohol and hydrogen peroxide (capful from most normal size bottles) into the ear.  Let it sit for a few seconds (10 or so) and then turn your head the other way to dump it out.  (Just watch which way it drains, to keep it away from your eyes, etc.)

    Try it a few times (with breaks of at least a few minutes between)  and see if it helps.

    Digging around with a q-tip probably won't help if it's that far in your ear, and may cause damage if you're too rough.  If it doesn't "fit" as far as it normally does, there may be more going on (particularly swelling), and you should get it checked out by a dcotor.


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