
Whats a major disadvantage of the rapidly advancing technology of this era?

by  |  earlier

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In your own opinion / words please :)

(Not sure which category this belongs in, that is actually up to the answer!




  1. the only disadvantage belongs to the Conscience decision made by people to remain ignorant on important subjects simply because the information is right there. its like because they could learn at any second about anything they have decided not to. I know a guy who didn't know that there are people starving around the world now a days. He was BAFFLED when I told him. and he was one of the best students at our school!!!! I'm only 18 and make it a point to learn SOMETHING each day.

    (there are more disadvantages but thats the big one to me)

  2. The major disadvantage isn't that we know how to use technology, rather that we don't know  how to manage it properly

  3. Lack of human contact.  Personal or otherwise.

  4. Disadvantage: our government now has the technologies to spy on its citizens!!! That sucks..

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