
Whats a natural hunger suppressant that i can take that works?

by  |  earlier

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one that doesn't require a prescription, isn't going to interfere with my effexor, won't raise my heart rate, won't cause sleeplessness, and i can get from a health food store that is reliable and works.




  1. I drink a pint of water before each meal.  It fills me up so i eat less, and anytime I feel hungry during the day when I don't need to eat, I just drink more water.

  2. When I want to lose weight I buy stuff I really don't like all that much, but is good for me. I also get some stuff I absolutely HATE. (but is so healthy I could sh**)

    When I get a case of the nibbles between (healthy) meals I eat the stuff I really don't enjoy, so I need to actually be hungry to go for it.

    Late at night when my greedy stomach drags me off to the fridge KNOWING that it's to late to eat, Well, that's what the brussel sprouts and brocholli is for. If they don't instantly look deliciously good, I don't need it.  

  3. I hate to repeat it, but yes, water, and I hate drinking it. I started making ice water and squeezing sme fresh lemon into it, with a few packets of Splenda, makes it almost like a weak lemonade. Better than plain old boring water on taste and doesn't add any fat or calories either.

  4. Water fills you up , its an old method but a good one , have it before you have lunch, dinner ( Good size glass or maybe 2)

  5. just takes lot of fresh works perfectly.

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