
Whats a parrotlets personality?

by Guest34357  |  earlier

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i came across this breed while looking for a quaker breeder and i have never heard of them before. what are they like? what are their personality's compared to a quaker,pionus,conure,or cockatiel? or are they totally different and more like a parakeet or budgie? i am doing lots of research and looking at tons of different types of birds right now. i am trying to find one that would be a good pet for me. so far i like the pionus, but i LOVE the quaker parrots. i really wanted a conure until i heard about how noisy they are. if any one has any info about parrotlets or would like to recommend a bird to me that would be great! thanks in advance! =D




  1. Parrotlets are marvelous, intelligent, curious and feisty little birds that have absolutely no idea they are only about 4 1/2" long.  Most weigh just under an ounce.  A parrotlet fully believes he is every bit as big as his cousin, the Amazon.  If they are hand fed and socialized they are marvelous companions.  Most spend hours happily climbing and swing from one toy to another so they require a cage with plenty of room.

    The most widely kept parrotlet is the Pacific parrotlet.  It is generally bold and curious.  The Green Rump is the most gentle, sweet and shy of the commonly kept species with the Spectacled parrotlet generally considered to be somewhere in between the Pacifics and the Green Rumps personality-wise.

    ParrotletsPlus is a Yahoo Group that is dedicated to the proper nutrition, housing, training, medical care, disease issues, basic genetics and the love we share for these marvelous birds.  If you're considering a parrotlet we'd love to have you join us.


  2. Parrotlets are big birds in a little tiny bird body.  They have no idea how small they are.  They're little clowns, sweet little birds, very energetic and always on the move.  They get into about everything too so be careful.  They can get sick easily from common household toxins like carpet, sprays (furniture polish, glass cleaners, etc), smoke, spray deodorants, incense.

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