
Whats a pendigilum? or pendilum or something? what does it do?

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  1. On a grandfather clock. that thing that swings back and forth at the bottom.

    That's a pendulum.

    It's also a torture weapon from the mid evil time period. a big blade that swings back and forth lowering an inch each time it swings, slowly cutting a person in half.

  2. ya know the thing that swings in a clock

  3. the thing that swings in a clock

  4. I would be more than happy to answer your question but I don't know what the fck your asking...please elaborate.

  5. A pendulum is a device that is weighted on the bottom.

    There are several uses. fr clocks, they provide a stabilizing force to keep the timing accurate. They are also used for divination. The pendulum is affect by a persons magnetic field and will move in various direction conforming with the field.

    I had an amazing experience using Huna (Hawaiian Shamanism)

    Take a pendulum and hold it with your left hand over your left knee while sitting. Next hold it with your right hand over your right knee. ?You will find that your body has polarities. Then find someone who is opposite handed of you and have them try it. Generally, their polarity will be reversed.

  6. Since you are placing this in Mythology & Folklore, I'm assuming you mean the pendulum sometimes used in theatrical hypnosis. These are not actually used in most cases, but they can be used. The idea is that by following the pendulum's movement with their eyes, the subject becomes slightly dizzy and their mind begins to tire. The brain function then slows to recover energy, sending the subject into a semi-sleep state, or trance. In this state, they still hear what happens around their body, but they see what their mind or memory conjures. If the hypnotist then asks the subject to visualize something, the subject's mind recognizes the name of the thing it is supposed to visualize and shows animated pictures of it. This also works with less direct things, like asking the mind to recount what happened at a certain event in great detail. The hypnotist can then tell the subject to describe the happenings aloud, at which point the hypnotist may appear visually in the subject's vision, or the hypnotist's voice may simply cause the body and conscious mind to react and speak while the unconscious mind sees the visions.

  7. a pendilum is something that swings back and forth, like on a clock, and a pendilum can be made out of anything and there is a test that they can do to see how level a building is or how much it sways or something.

  8. A pendulum is a mass that is attached to a pivot, from which it can swing freely. This object is subject to a restoring force due to gravity that will accelerate it toward an equilibrium position. When the pendulum is displaced from its place of rest, the restoring force will cause the pendulum to oscillate about the equilibrium position.

    A basic example is the simple gravity pendulum or bob pendulum. This is a mass (or bob) on the end of a massless string, which, when initially displaced, will swing back and forth under the influence of gravity over its central (lowest) point.

    In folk lore people will use a crystal or other object over a map or scroll etc to locate something or someone

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