
Whats a pre existing condition?

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I want to get my throat checked out by a doctor, so I'm shopping for insurance plans... if somethings wrong with my throat, is that a pre existing condition??




  1. Preexisting condition guidelines not only cover the medically diagnosed condition but also include any medical condition for which a reasonable person would have sought medical advice. This helps prevent people from buying insurance to cover some problem they are already aware of.

    Insurance is intended to assist with the unforeseen problem. What you are trying to do would be like buying life insurance after you have a terminal illness or car insurance after you wrecked your car.

    The insurance company can rescind your policy and give you back premiums you payed if they find out you with held information on the application. Just a few weeks ago there was a question on here from someone who went into the doctor a few days after their policy was issued and found out they needed hip replacement. Obviously they were aware of the hip problem at the time of application and they did not understand why the insurance company would not pay for the surgery.

    I hope people learn from you situation and purchase insurance before they need it.

    With that said if you get insurance and wait a few months to get checked out it may cover you, but by then if you have a serious problem you may be in a much worse situation.

    If you can get on a group health policy it will cover pre existing conditions.

  2. If you  have  received any medical advise, diagnosis, care or treatment within the 6 months prior or enrolling in a health plan or if a prudent person would or should have recieved medical care for symptoms it could be considered pre-existing.

  3. It is only a preexisting condition if there is some kind of record of it, (Have you been seen by a doctor for this already?) or, if it is a condition that can be proven to be previous to your obtaining insurance.  (It takes X number of days for this condition to progress to this point.)  Some states ban preexisting penalties. So it doesn't matter in those states.  Ask your doctor's office to explain all of this to you.  There are just to many variables for those of us here to be able to help you properly.

  4. Whatever ailment or medical condition/problem that you might have BEFORE purchasing an insurance policy might not be covered. So yes, diagnosing an ailment before having insurance is considered a pre-existing condition.

  5. Preexisting condition is whatever the insurance you are looking at says it is. There are some regulations available nationwide but that is basically it. If you don't like the definition given in the policy, you can buy another.

  6. It probably is. If you have a known heart condition, for example, when apply for insurance that is a pr existing condition. You don't have a known condition, but you are clearly trying to cheat the insurance company.

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