
Whats a question with no answer called?

by  |  earlier

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  1. It is a question:)

  2. a stupid pointless question

  3. Unanswered question....

  4. a long, long "I will always wonder" moment!

  5. this que no ans  -  who i'm

  6. rhetorical. (not meant to be answered)

    Or, a very good question.

  7. an unanswered question

  8. your question

  9. B O Y C O T T

  10. I dunno,anyway,i've put it up in my status..if i get a reply then lucky u!

  11. niruthar

  12. no question

  13. A dumb question and the ones answering it dumb ppl

  14. These type of questions could be in either extremes.

    In simple words, it could be unanswered question with further classification as good, bad, pointless, too high, imaginary.......

  15. A Senseless Question

  16. rhetorical or something.

    not so sure how to spell.

    How many miles does a man have to walk before you can call him a man. Know the song ?

  17. silly question

  18. Exam

  19. a blonds question

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