
Whats a quick way to tame my parakeet's?

by  |  earlier

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I have a kinda friendly male and a wild female i need to get them tame enough so they can be petted and they will sit on my shoulder or finger? any ways?




  1. no sudden movements,one person room and try to get it in your hand and slowly pet it.this could take weeks.

  2. It is hard to tame both parakeets at the same time. I suggest that you get one of them and spend lots of time with it. First of all, you have to make sure it trusts you. Start of by feeding it seed everyday or a treat they like. Then  move your hand towards it and press against its belly. It should stand up. Do this routine everyday until she fully trusts you.

    Hope it works

  3. If you have 2 birds, it will be difficult.  They will bond to each other NOT you.

    Separate them and begin to work with each separately.  There is no QUICK way to do this.  Best to buy a hand raised bird if you want a pet.

  4. With two parakeets, it can be kind of difficult because they are more focused on each other than you, but if one is kind of friendly, I think you should be fine.

    You can start by offering a treat like spray millet from your fingers. When they are used to being fed from your hand, try this:

    Open the cage door and hold some spray millet between your fingers.

    Stick your hand in but when they try to get to it, pull it out so that they have to leave their cage to get to it.

    Don't make any sudden movements or loud noises or it'll just scare them.

    When they're used to leaving your cage that way and being around you, take your finger, hold it sideways (like a perch kind of) and push gently against the parakeet's body just above its legs to force it to step onto your finger. Say "Up." or "Step up." as you do this so it gets used to the command.

    Practice this with your parakeets until they get it and then you can try to scratching their heads gently with your forefinger.


  5. Target training explained here;

    (scroll to the bottom of the page)

    Using that training technique you can target your bird to where you want it to go - your finger, shoulder, etc. And if you keep it fully flighted you can target it from one room to another or wherever which becomes really fun for the bird and you and a good source of exercise.

    More on parakeet training;

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