
Whats a rare sushi dish that is good??? I want something rare and unique...?

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Whats a rare sushi dish that is good??? I want something rare and unique...?




  1. Now I'm hungry for sushi!  As for rare and tasting good I'd have to say that depends on how sushi savvy you are.  I just go for the rolls. Oh and edammae is sooo good as well!

  2. Although it is seasonal, if you can find grade "A"  Uni (sea urchin ), it is well worth the price.  It has a firm texture and is somewhat sweet.

    Some others you might try are Akagai (Pepitona clam), Awabe (Abalone) and Hamachi (young yellow tale).

  3. I personally LOVE raw salmon rolls. I wouldn't call it "unique", but a lot other people do. So try it with so wasbi and sweet ginger! Oh, soooo delicious!!!!!

  4. Not really rare, but definitely delicious...

    1. Spider roll

    2. Eel, Avocado, & Cucumber Roll (personal favorite)

    I'll let you in on a little time you're at a sushi bar, ask for Mochi, its an ice cream like type dessert and normally comes in strawberry & mango. Its got this sort of skin on it, sounds gross but is AMAZING!

  5. those who said Uni (Sea Urchin) nailed it in my opinion, and if you find a place that serves it, ask them if they know what Japanese Viagra AKA Uni Shooter is.  That is certainly unique, here's a link to the explanation:

    Good luck!

  6. I have 3 different favorites for you

    1. Live scallops- these are usually a special and best served very thinly sliced with fresh wasabi and lime slices. If you are ever in Rehoboth Beach in Deleware, go to the Cultured Pearl and hope they have live scallop

    2. the Salmango Roll ala Niwana Hana in Rockville Maryland, this is basically a California roll, draped with slices of fresh salmon, fresh mango, and black Caviar. The best.... ever

    3. A baked shrimp roll- ala Ekiben in Bethesda Md- a shrimp california roll topped with a mix of minced shrimp, mayo, masago and then broiled. Yum.

  7. You cannot go wrong with Unagi, the fresh water eel.  It is not rare but is unique and very good.

    One step up from that would be Uni, the sea urchin.  It is a bit rare because not all sushi restaurants serve it. It is an acquired taste though--you either love it or hate it.

    The ultimate would be Fugu, the blowfish.  It is definitely rare and unique.  The problem though is it is poisonous.  It is prepared by only licensed and reputable restaurants for obvious reasons.

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