
Whats a safe way for a 14 year old to make money online? (Made from another person's ?)?

by  |  earlier

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I was looking at someone else's ? but then they deleted it. I'm hoping that the same person that answered theirs answers mine.




  1. You don't make money online.  C'mon folks!  Quit falling for scams.

    If you want to earn money, you must go WORK. You will have to actually go to the place of employment and work there.

    Very few real companies are going to hire a stranger to do work for them with no training or supervision. Most people who work from home either work for themselves, or have worked for a company for many years, and then had a personal situation arise that caused them to need to work from home. If they were trusted long-term employees, and if their jobs could be done remotely, the companies made accommodations.

    If you want to earn money, you will have to get a real job. You can't earn a living answering surveys (which really just collect info on you!) on the Internet. No company is going to pay good money for that when they can simply provide a survey link on their receipts and get ACTUAL CUSTOMERS to tell them what they thought of their services or products (for free!).

    Legitimate companies are not going to pay to ship materials to you, let you fold them stuff them or address them, and then pay for you to ship them back to them. How would that possibly make financial sense?

  2. You cant make money online.

    Get a real job! :)

    But at 14 you can only work at fast food places.

    I worked at burger king

    It sounds bad, but its actually not!

  3. The only way to make money online is if you're selling things online - trust me, all those surveys are nothing but scams to steal your identity.

    At 14 I convinced my mother to let me sell cookies and large gourmet chocolate-dipped pretzels. She helped me get it started, and helped me run the small business to learn how one works and how to be financially responcible. I did take the business to the internet eventually. I ended up selling it to someone else when the business got too large for me and I had to go to college.

    Consider doing something like that, but be ready for the work that goes into it!

  4. A!


    Ya wanna make some $

    Build CD modulators at home......

    Oh well......


    you need to be 13

    but its awesome


    made me 350 so far

    TRY IT

  6. write articles for teen and women's magazines. they pay for stories, advice, recipes, craft ideas and so & online money ideas here:

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