
Whats a turn on for guys?

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Whats a turn on for guys?




  1. A girl thats hard to get, I mean of course they like the "whores" but they are thinking with whats below the waist not with their head when you don't put yourself out there like every other girl and make yourself look trashy.. then guys are going to notice you more because you have more respect for yourself and they always love a challenge;)

  2. a nice swift kick to the family jewels

  3. girls who are chill and themselves

  4. seeing a woman with a nice body.

  5. Girls who ask guys what turns them on!!

  6. I get turned on by peoples personalities.

    I've always been much more attracted to people that show they care about me, or who show interest in me. I've almost always said 'yes' to women who get enough courage to ask me out directly, as opposed to having a friend do it.

    As far as a s*x drive goes, I like skin. Healthy skin.

    And a nice healthy body too. I hate that anorexic ribs sticking out c**p, it just scares me. I'm not into girls who weigh 300000000 pounds either, I just like a nice healthy weight. The first thing is always personality. I'll disregard anything else for that.

    And nudity from a woman I'm absolutely in love with? ALWAYS a big turn on. h**l, even being close enough to hug my girlfriend turns me on more often than not.

    For me it's the person they actually are far before what they look like.

    Sadly however, it isn't the same for everyone else..

  7. There is a big difference between what boys find attractive and what men find attractive .

    Boys ( usually 12 to 22 ) are in a stage of "head butting" with other guys to determine the pecking order . It is "required" that they go after girls with large b*****s and showing cleavage . Girls that are Cheerleader types with the conceited "better than thou" attitude .

    Now not all boys participate in this . Some are more mature . Some are insecure and run away from these girls .

    Men ( with self confidence) like women who are sensual , intelligent and flirty .

    Many men are turned on by lipstick , lip gloss , stockings , sheer panties , subtle perfumes (e.g. Beautiful ) , good dancing , a talent like singing or playing guitar , an expression of self confidence ( not to be confused with conceit ) , subtle ( or not) body contact on a date .

    Men tend to get turned off by things , as they have become more selective and are more interested in meeting a compatible woman than putting another notch on their belt . Some things that turn MEN off: Drunkeness ,  LOUD behavior , smoking , Tramp Stamps or other large tats , dressing frumpy for going out , bad breath , complaining ( the glass should always be half full not half empty ) , and overweight bodies ( this is a sure sign of  psychological baggage).

    Of course there are lots of men who are different . Muslims don't want a girl in a short tight skirt . Fundie Christians wont date those girls with the ruby red shiny lips , and some "men" are thinking "What would mom say if I brought this one home ?" LOL

    The main thing though is to be yourself . There is no sense trying to be s**y if you don't feel it . There is no sense trying to dress quiet to keep your guy from complaining . Things will just go bad down the road .

    Get your feelings down first, then either change yourself or learn to be you . If you want to attract the guys who read Playboy , or FSM or Sports illustrated ... Buy a copy and look at the ads and such . Figure out what KIND of guy you want to attract and why . Then ask yourself what kind of woman you want to be .

  8. a girl with a nice rack & a s s

    blue or green eyes,light brown or hazal

    nice looking legs

    proper adittude

    and one thats always there for me and wont cheat.

  9. i think that when i girl is so full of herself has to be the worst thing ever.

    also i think that when they used to be someone really cool then they try to be someone else is the worst

  10. A bikini.

  11. Headbands and wearing pink.  

  12. tons of things, it depends on the guy

    some like a big butt

    some like boob

    some like clevage

    some like long legs

    others like scents, perfumes

    some like feet

    some like long hair

    some like short skirts and small tops

    some like dirty talk

    some like girls that are motherly

    some guys like girls who seduce them

    others like the girl next dr type

  13. When they really care about girls and would do anything to make them happy! =]

  14. i know that I will have the least popular answer, but honestly what attracts me most in a woman is intelligence.  Looks fade, get boring after a while, but intelligence is always there and can get better with time.

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