
Whats a type of martial arts like ninjutsu ?

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I dont have a place of ninjutsu that near me so is there any like it




  1. Hi there

    The only advice i can give you is seek proper instruction from a registered shidoshi who is at least a 5th dan or above. If you cant find bujinkan there are also jinenkan and genbukan dojos that follow the same line. forget all about distance learning in any martial art it doesnt work and even more so in bujin as there is just far too much to cover. The feeling and application of techniques you just cant get from books or dvd's. You need an uke to be able to learn anything we do. Forget the idea of ninjutsu because its such a small part of what is practiced and without learning the fundamentals from the bujutsu schools you wont stand a chance of understanding any of it.

    I love Bullshindos articles i really do. There so funny. Basically if youre not a MMA or sports fighter then you cant play with them! Bujinkan arts are bujutsu arts not sports. If you cant find a club then find a kobudo jujutsu or aikijutsu school that practice similar techniuqes.

    oh and failing that try speaking to people in the know! Forget yahoo answers for a start. Its full of point and click jutsu practitioners at best!

    Best wishes


  2. Wushulink, Judo, Karate, Tai Chi, Tae Kwondo

  3. SCA or any similar LARPing society or just jumping around like an idiot imitating anime will give you sufficient training equal to the bujinkan (ninjitsu) schools.

    here is the low down on ninjitsu (seriously)

    the article is more even-handed and accurate than my statement- I was being facetious, I have never met a ninjitsu practitioner who was anything except maybe a small step above a LARPer- there are I'm sure also schools that teach legit techniques that are not bujinkan, but use the "ninjitsu" label in order to unscrupulously attract students with the old "bait and switch".

  4. most old school japanese arts are similar. and stay away from dux ryu.

    infact bujinkan budo taijutsu. is only 1/3 ninjutsu and 2/3 samurai disciplines.

  5. Nothing quite measures up to Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu. I can't think of anything similar. Nothing covers as much ground. You'll just have to settle for second best. Try Judo or Brazilian Jujitsu.

  6. ok ninja is not like anything but you can go for kung fu and wushu because kung fu was the first martial art ever. i have trained wushu and kung fu and i have been trainng ninja since i was 8 and i tell you this ninja is the best but kung fu will teach you elegance too.

  7. Now if you couldn't find a Ninjitsu dojo in your area and truly want to study the style of Ninjitsu a lot of Ninjitsu schools including the famous Bujinkan offer distance education courses. The concept with these courses is that you practice the moves shown on the specific rank requirement's DVD with a sparring partner and then tape yourself performing them. Then after you tape yourself performing the techniques you send it back to the dojo or an affiliate dojo for grading.  The distance education courses were created for people like you that wanted to study Ninjitsu but didn't have any in person dojos in their area. A majority of them will rank you up to black belt but some like Stephan Haye's, Ashida Kim's, and Frank Dux's have instructor's courses as well. They also provide discounts for ranking for your sparring partner as well to help your friend hold rank in the system as well for beating the c**p out of him/her by doing the same to you. Don't never substitute something with anything else you want to learn or something similar to it.  If you want to study Ninjitsu study Ninjitsu don't study Kung Fu or Karate if you want to be a ninja.  If you want to make a career as a fighter using Ninjitsu SWAN is an organization that sponsors Ninjitsu fighters to fight in local MMA events in the fighter's area as well as hosting their own events.    

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