
Whats a typical breakfast in the US? ?

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I would love to know what kinds of things you have for breakfast... waffles etc. It sounds so yummy and different compared to our boring British brekkie!

Thank you! :)




  1. Bagel and Philadelphia cream cheese.




    I know some Asian guys who visited the US and they stayed in a hotel where they served buffet breakfast.  They thought the sausage gravy was some sort of chowder soup and they ate bowls of it.

  2. its all an animal...ham, flat sausage, chicken, eggs, sausage on a stick wrapped in a pancake....all on bread

    what about you??

    I think the only thing I dont like about church ....all the food people bring for after mass

    baked sugar lard butter casserole

    "mystery dish"--dont eat it

    sallys special surprise

    grammies whosits rolls

    and more fatty dishes

    HA..I laugh at yourso called  "BBQ" Jen, I'll send her some *REAL* NC pulled pork...yummy!!

  3. I do love waffles!! Belgian waffles are the best =]

    Some common breakfast foods;

    Toast, bacon, breakfast sausage, coffee, orange juice, oatmeal (all different kinds-apple, cinnamon, cinnamon bun, brown sugar, etc etc), waffles, pancakes, omlettes (not sure I spelled that correctly) which can have pretty much everything but the kitchen sink in them, eggs (all different ways to cook them). Some people have fruit for breakfast. Hash browns-hash browns in a patty form, hash browns in like...shredded form, and then there are these little..tiny cubes of fried potatoe (not sure what they are called). French toast, sausage gravy and biscuits. Some people have ham for breakfast-often in an omlette.

    Cereal of course-every kind you can imagine, chocolatey cereal, sugary cereal, cereal with dehydrated fruit in it, flaxseed cereal, grain cereal, etc. My personal favorite is Honey Nut Cheerios!

    Most folks drink coffee in the morning, orange juice is a popular morning beverage as well. I prefer breakfast tea or orange juice myself, but not too many folks over here drink tea (of any kind) for breakfast. Any fruit juice goes good in the morning (so long as you drink it BEFORE you brush your teeth-blech, juice after brushed teeth is just a horrible explosion in your mouth!)

    Most fast food places sell breakfast foods-often sandwitches of sorts (egg, sausage, and cheese in between a biscuit), hash browns, sausages, mini-pancakes, pastries, etc.

    Doughnuts are a popular one. Cinnamon rolls, and different sorts of fruit-pastries. Also these things called "toaster strudells"  (again, I probably spelled that wrong) which are pretty good.

    My favorite breakfasts;

    Bangers and boxty! oh I do love bangers, but they are hard to find here-I have to go about a half hour away in order to get them from an import store.

    WAFFLES! ahhhh I looove waffles. Plain, toasted waffles with nothing on them-I love them like that. But with some butter and jam or maple syrup and they're delicious as well.

    French toast-bread soaked in egg, cinnamon, and milk, and then put in a pan and cooked. Deliciousness!

    Crepes-I do love them, especially the kind my grandmother makes. Just plain! But jam and/or fruit is good wrapped up in them as well.


    BAGLES! Oh dear how on EARTH could I EVER forget bagels!!! One of the best things ever invented-I love them. Plain or with jam, butter, or cream cheese. There are also bagel sandwitches!

  4. Well, as a poor, starving college student, my breakfast is usually just cereal. I'm a sap for the off-brand cheapie cereal, and when its on sale, OMG I buy it until I'm poor, lol.

    If I have some cash backed up, I do indulge in sausage and eggs, or sometimes sausage gravy and biscuits.

    And the recipe:

    For the sausage gravy:

    1 lb. sausage

    3 tbsp. flour

    Salt and pepper

    2 to 3 c. milk

    For the biscuits:

    2 c. self rising flour

    1/4 to 1/2 c. shortening

    1/4 c. milk

    Crumble sausage in hot pan. Fry until there is no pink. Add flour 1 tablespoon at a time. Stir quickly. Stir until a paste forms. Then add milk, 1 cup at a time. Mixture should be thick. Pan should be on high. Add salt.

    Biscuits: Mix shortening with flour, using pastry cutter. Add milk, stirring quickly. Knead and put on flat surface. Roll out and cut dough. Place on baking sheet. Bake at 425 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes.

    Thats the HOME MADE way, where you make everything yourself. Its the best! :)

  5. Hahaha :)


    Bacon or sauage



    Wafflesor Pancakes


    Grits(Uck! It's a southern thing. I don't like 'em)

    I'll add more as I think of them, haha.

  6. My breakfast is so exciting!

    This is what I eat every morning:


  7. Waffles are wonderful.  I don't make them from scratch very often, so we eat the frozen waffles.  They're pretty good, but don't come close to homemade ones.

    And bacon, eggs and hash browns and toast really is another good breakfast.  We had that this morning.


  8. I normally have a bowl of cereal, a granola bar, or a fruit salad. Depends mostly on how hungry I am in the morning or what I'm in the mood for!

  9. you know little birdie...I am currently feasting on my giant chocolate chocolate chip muffin from Costco. :) tasty!

    I'm guessing it's not typical though...normal is:

    Bacon & Eggs

    Omelet (my fav)




    Oatmeal (so not my fav)

    Edit: Milly...can I come have breakfast with you this weekend? Sounds yummy! have baked beans for breakfast in the UK? :-0 What is black pudding???

    What ingredients will you be cooking with???

    Oh dear God..I just fainted! Pig's Blood??? I'm going to have to pass on the black pudding! Reminds me of Dinuguan (filipino pork blood stewed meat dish that my husband loves). Yikes! Can't do it!

    Soph...we have baked beans at BBQ's with ribs/chicken/potato salad/etc

    Bleurg(stole your word)...I hate grits! But I love cream of wheat!

    Hey don't be mean BB! I live on the West Coast...not the South! We are so very different! I've never made pulled pork, but my hubby has...he has southern roots :)

  10. Boring British breakfast, what do you mean?

    Bacon, eggs, sausages, mushrooms, fried bread, baked beans, black pudding, bread and butter and a pot of tea, what's boring about that!!!

    Is little birdie not getting her full English breakfast?

    Lacie...your welcome anytime, as long as you bring some Costco muffins, just love their muffins warmed up for 2 min's in the microwave, yummy in my tummy!

    Black pudding is like a big sausage made from pigs blood, you slice it up and eat it cold or you can fry or grill it, tastes better than it sounds, honest.

    It's better to try it before you know what it's made from, then it doesn't put you off!

  11. Shoot black pudding sounds good compared to what my Grandma eats....pig brains with scrambled eggs.  I am a brave soul but even I can't try that!

  12. Hm...there are soo many things that we can have for breakfast! I'll make a list.




    -Pancakes(chocolate chips, blueberry, strawberry, etc.)












    -Banana bread



    -Orange juice

    -Cranberry juice

    -Apple juice


    -Grape Juice

    And I'm sure there's more.  Hope this helps!


  13. I used to cook eggs (scrambled, poached, or mollet), served with diced fried potatoes, bacon, sausage, or ham, toast, coffee, and juice. Or an omelet with peppers or pepperoni and cheese. Or pancakes, sometimes pecan waffles with strawberries and cream or plain with maple syrup. Or diced fried potatoes with onions, peppers, ham or bacon, and melted cheese. Sometimes oatmeal with melted cheeses.

    Most people eat cold cereal, stale pastry, or a bagel on the mornings when they don't skip breakfast entirely.  

  14. Usually I just have cereal, or just skip breakfast all together and grab a Starbucks on my way in to work.  I'm kind of a boring eater.

  15. Hmmm...that's an interesting question.  I'm actually not a huge fan of breakfast - I hate eggs and unless sausage is crumbled in a burrito I don't like that either...also not a fan of sliced ham and I hate coffee and coffee related drinks unless they're an IC Mocha from Panera (STL Bread Co.).  I'm more of a breakfast pastry person: waffles, bagels, pancakes...I do love bacon.  But typically I'm eating cereal out of a baggie at work, if I eat breakfast at all.

    My mom has made this since I was little though and it is one of my favorite breakfasts ever.

    Cinnamon Buttons and Bows


    2 cups biscuit/baking mix (don't know if you have Bisquik over there, but that's what we use)

    2 tablespoons sugar for mix, small bowl for later

    1 teaspoon ground nutmeg

    1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon

    1 egg

    1/3 cup milk

    1/4 cup butter, melted


    In a bowl, combine the biscuit mix, 2 tablespoons sugar, nutmeg and cinnamon. Combine egg and milk; stir into dry ingredients just until moistened. Turn onto a heavily floured surface; knead 5-6 times. Roll out to 1/4-in. thickness. Cut with a floured 2-1/2-in. doughnut cutter; set centers aside for buttons.

    For bows, twist each circle to form a figure eight (it's in an "O" shape beforehand...just take the top left corner and bottom right corner and twist down/up respectively); place on a greased baking sheet. Bake at 400 degrees F for 8-10 minutes or until golden brown. Place buttons on another greased baking sheet. Bake for 6-7 minutes. Melt butter in one bowl, have sugar in the other.  Dip buttons and bows in the butter, then roll around in the sugar.  Ready!

    I swear, they're sinfully yummy.  You could always serve with some eggs/bacon/toast so people who AREN'T brekkie sweet eaters have something to offset the sugary goodness.

  16. I usually eat leftover pizza or something I made the nite before...don't make regular breakfast very often!

  17. Eggs, bacon or sausage and toast, coffee, and juice.  

  18. realistically,,, it would be a pop tart or something fast,,,

    but on a sunday

    fried potatoes with onions and green peppers

    fried eggs

    homemade biscuits

    or sausage gravy

    and pancakes

  19. Busy mornings it is usually just coffee but lately I've been trying to make an effort to have oatmeal or Cheerios.  I think you'll find that most common during the weekdays, we're simply too busy to sit and eat so its quick cereal, toast, frozen waffles, etc....

    ON a nice slow Sunday morning, I love to make eggs, sausage, hashbrowns and such.

  20. For me??? Not normal but my absolute favorite if I had the time (usually if hubby and I go out on Sunday) is:

    Western omelet (green peppers, onions, ham and cheese)

    Italian sausage

    Rye or wheat  toast

    Then I lay around for the entire rest of the day and can't move!!!!

    EDIT:  You and Milly are making me awful hungry!!!

  21. Eggs, bacon or sausage, toast or biscuits, grits, and fruit.  Chocolate milk to drink.  That's the weekend breakfast.  

    During weekdays, I am lucky if I can snag some of the kids' cereal!

  22. I'm from Canada but we eat similar foods...

    Breakfasts are smaller than a full english (which I love).  Typically a bowl of cereal with milk and a glass of juice, or a bagel with cream cheese, or muffins and coffee, or pancakes with syrup and butter.  Bigger breakfasts include eggs, hash brown potatoes, maple sausage with a coffee.  

    Hope that helps :-)

  23. There is nothing like a typical breakfast in the USA. As you will see people will have different answers and proving me right. It's not like other countries such as the U.K, Japan, e.t.c. Remember America is a mash of so many different cultures and different work routines.

    This determines how people eat. The region of the country also contributes  to what people eat for break fast. Example people in the South are likely to eat grits for breakfast while people in the north at least mostly do not have grits.


    grits(porriage or polenta like)




    cereals of all sorts


    milk and cookies


    bicuits(scones) with sausage gravy






    Or a mix of the above


    All the above can be a typical breakfast

  24. Back in the day when I got in chat rooms on Y!, another British couple whom I befriended told me about black pudding. How absolutely disgusting it sounds! UGh!

    I'm not a breakfast eater. My breakfast usually consists of an ice cold coca cola!

    However, on the weekends, my hubby likes to go to have breakfast at IHOP. I usually get an omelette and grits (sounthern thing). He gets eggs, pancakes, bacon, ham (lots of dead animal). Or there are biscuits and sausage gravy which is yum. I like tomato gravy, which, is another southern thing. You fry bacon, brown your flour as if to make gravy, but, instead of water or milk, you pour in fresh squeezed and crushed tomatoes. It's great over hot biscuits.

    I so want to visit the UK, but, no black pudding for me.

    Sausage gravy:,175,1331...

    Biscuits - I use the recipe on the back of White Lily self-rising flour, if you can get that. If not, I'll find the recipe.

    Close enough:

    I use shortening and they use butter. Probably better.

  25. I have a 45 mile commute (driving) so I eat a burrito and coffee.  

    Egg, cheese- hot pepper , and sometimes meat such as left over steak, chipoltley sauce,,,Tortilla to wrap it all up in.

    When I go out on weekend I get Cheese Blintzes. yum!

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