
Whats a very very hard simple basketball shooting drill?

by  |  earlier

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I need a shooting drill very badly that I can do Everyday




  1. ok well what you can do is take about a couple hunfred jumpshots daily to improve shooting. and you can also practice shooting with someone guarding you/in your face

  2. Ok,

    1. Set 4 points up. 2 fifteen feet out, and apart a bit, then set 2 more more up 23 ft. out and spread thme a little.

    2. First take 20 foul shots.

    3. Then go to point A. Take 25 shots, and sprint to retrieve ball, and bring back without travelling.

    4. Take 20 more foul shots and do the same for points B,C and D taking the twenty foul shots in between. This should get you tired, improoving stamina and shooting when you are tired.  

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