
Whats a web site or a good place where I can find high quality yet cheap billiard table?

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Whats a web site or a good place where I can find high quality yet cheap billiard table?




  1. Hi Rey,

    I just previously answered this same question for another person interested in buying a good new or used table.

    Here is my answer and suggestions:

    With the crunch of our tough economy and houses in foreclosure at an all-time high, your chances of finding a decent pool table at a good price, are quite good right now.

    Check out the want-ads in your local and state newspapers. For a few dollars, you can also place an ad in the paper.

    Ask around. Ask pool hall owners about tables for sale.

    Check out, for pool tables for sale in your area; tables that you can go look at to assess the quality and your set of standards.

    With a bit of diligence and patience, I'm confident that you will find a good new or slightly used pool table.

    Also check at Costco. The last "asker" who I helped with her search, found a GREAT deal on a new Brunswick pool table at Costco. You can NEVER go wrong with a Brunswick. They will also deliver and install the table at no added cost.

    Good luck, pool player.


  2. Not sure if they have a website, but Rec Wharehouse usually has pretty good deals on pool tables.

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