
Whats a website like

by  |  earlier

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I really like that site,

but its not really working or im doing somthing wrong.

please and thanks.





  1. I'm on a couple Fan2Band teams myself, so I'll tell you what I know. Basicaly its a website that lets you sign up for street teams for a bunch of different bands (as many as you want. I'm on like 3). So you can either sign up for an individual band, or a larger team that most of the bands are part of. Take the Capitol Street Team, for example. I'm on that team and it has like 20 bands on it, and I can choose to promote whichever ones I want to. They have stuff on their pages that are

    exclusive for the team, like videos from the band personally saying THANKS FOR THE HELP or like new song clips. (that stuff is really cool to me, cuz the band is actually acknowledging us. i've been on teams before and i dont think the bands know they exist haha)

    The site gives you "projects" to do, either online or offline (or both) and you get points everytime you participate. You then spend these points (kinda like money) in their point store for stuff like merch from the band, gift cards, ipods, etc. The 3 teams I'm on all have different stuff in their stores for their bands, so you can really get a bunch of cool things. (I mostly order band tshirts cuz it saves me a lot of money to get it for free haha)

    They also have this new thing called "LEaderboards" that let you compete with other people for really awesome prizes, and you can see pics of the other people doing it, which is cool. There's a countdown clock so you know how much time you have left and then at the end, the people who have done the most work automatically win the prizes. And ok, these are the BEST prizes I've seen cuz like, one time

    they gave out an ipod touch, another time they gave out drumheads autographed and drawn on by the band, they give out meet n greets with the band, tickets for Warped tour, etc etc. I just finished a project and the #1 prize was like a nintendo wii. (too bad i didn't win!) And when I say "people who have done the most work" it's not a lot of work at all. It's basically just taking a banner or something and posting it as many times as you can on the internet. It only takes a few minutes a day, and it's worth it for those prizes. (I hope I can eventually win an iPod cuz I need a new one!)

    Anyway, the site is cool because all the teams are run by the bands and labels themselves, so it's totally official. It's cool because you get to meet other fans on the Fan2Band forums, and you get to know the people behind the band. You get lots of free stuff and it's a good feeling when you help promote a band. BTW, I looked at your profile and saw some of the bands you like. If you like that stuff, you should join the Epitaph Team, Generator79 and the Capitol Street Team. Those are the teams I'm on and I love it, and you and me and the same kind of music tastes. Here are links in case you don't wanna go Googling for em:,, Pretty easy to remember hahaha

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