
Whats all this about "celebrities" showing off their pregnant tums in the glossies?

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"Look at me aint I preggers?" Whats the story please tell me?




  1. I Havent Heard Of This..But Thats Another Problem That Will Come Around Now...Many Teens Will Try And Become Pregnant To be Like There Idols. Its A Silly Idea!

  2. Propbaly the same old rubbish - any talentless twit who has appeared on a reality show or sung a one hit wonder or snagged a footballer is classed as a celebrity and therefore worthy of filling the gossip mags and many brain-dead slobs will buy them further increasing the profits for all involved.  Very sad.  Don't feed into this manipulative c**p.  Donate your money to a worthy cause instead.

  3. Because they all think their kid is the second coming of the Messiah. The photo thing should have stopped with Demi!

  4. First of all it sounds as if you are from ?England? or somewhere's by your slang.

    Assuming that I will tell you that it's the same junk going on over here in America.

    Worse yet some of the ones pregnant here (or were pregnant) were known to be drunken party whores who took drugs! Now it's all like look at me I'm pregnant. I can't even imagine what would happen to a low-income American if she had a child and was known for doing 1 tenth the things these famous people did. They wouldn't even see that child,it would be taken away so fast.

    Our double-standard,you can do whatever you want if your famous AND if you have a good agent you can even make a buck off of it and get a MOVIE DEAL!


    Better to donate to Myanmar children that were orphaned in the Earthquake (Now if only the Junta would let the children get the money!)

  5. They get paid for showing off their tums. And people buy the magazines.

    Not much of a story is it!

  6. I, too, am tired about reading about celebs and their 'bumps' and their boyfriends. It's sure not sending a very positive message to the young, teenage fans. If you happen to have a couple of million stashed in the bank, live in a mansion and can hire all the help you need, being a single mom might be a bit of a lark. But that's not the case for most of the young girls who are getting preggers and thinking it's all going to be fun and games like the movie 'Juno'.

  7. Because they have no talent for the attention they crave and it's all they can think of doing to get in the glossy.

  8. Since I don't buy any of these magazines that feature such inane pictures and chat I am spared a lot of the rubbish that goes with it. There is a simple solution to this staring at you in the face. Don't buy it!

  9. Pass the bucket will you? I mean is that the best they can do, oh look I spread my legs and look what I got, like I care!!!.

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