
Whats all this talk about saving endangered f***s? Personally only the strong will survive anyway.

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Whats all this talk about saving endangered f***s? Personally only the strong will survive anyway.




  1. I think I read about you in Darwin's book, The Origin of the f***s

    Personally, I thought it stunk.  The book, that is.  

    Especially nasty toward the tail end ...

  2. I clean up my parrots f***s all the time. I really was not not aware that it was so scarce. Lol.

    Seriously, if you are referring to parrot species, there are several species that are in danger of becoming extinct due to capture for the pet trade (illegally I might add) and more importantly, loss of habitat due to the destruction of the rainforest. Sure "only the strong will survive" but left with nowhere to raise their babies and no trees that produce nuts and fruits for them to eat you basically are killing an entire genetic strain of animal. No animal no matter how "strong" (MAN INCLUDED) can survive if it cannot meet its basic needs of food and shelter!!!!!!!!!!!  Once a species is gone there in no getting it back.

    As far as saving endangered species, every species on this planet inhabits what is known as a biological niche. Basically, every species has a "job" that it is responsible for and that is what the word niche means in a nutshell. If you kill off an entire species of animal, that niche is left unfulfilled and it can cause serious complications in a biological habitat.

    To give you a very recent and real example, the population of bees in the world is declining, and scientists do not fully understand why. We do know, however, that without the bees that plants cannot be pollinated as readily, as bees are responsible for carrying pollen from one plant to another, and spread the plants in this fashion. (This is their niche, so to speak, and there are very few other animals that are responsible for this. There are no species that do this as well as bees by any means.) Well why should I care is what I bet you are asking. Without the bees our plants INCLUDING THE FOOD WE EAT do not grow as readily. In a extreme situation, we as humans could actually starve if plants started not reproducing and we ran low or even out of plants which create fruits and vegetables. This is especially true of third world countries where the population relies heavily on consumption of home grown fruits and vegetables.

    So if only for a selfish reason you should care about the survival of all species on this planet whether or not they are endangered. We are all entwined and rely on each other in order to survive!

  3. Hahahahahaha!


    You remind me of the semi-deaf character that Tim Conway sometimes played on the Carol Burnett show, very good one!

  4. Do you mean endangered species?

  5. Why are you raising a stink about it.?

  6. I think you mean species.  

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