
Whats an easy way for an 11 year old to make money?

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Please give me a list of things that an 11 year old can get money from. I do have my baby-sitting course (any idea's on getting more customers?) and i already have a paper route that gets my $50.00 a month. I'm trying to save $750.00 so i can get a laptop for school this year, and i would like to have it before christmas




  1. My son was 11 when he started looking but he always was finding something to make some money. Unfortunately,  for some odd reason boys seem to have it easier when it comes to working odd jobs. Here are a few things you can roll around in your head, maybe get an idea or two out of them;

    1) wash cars

    2) mowing lawns/watering lawns/gardens

    3) chores around the house (ask relatives, friends)

    4) walking/feeding animals like dogs/cats for people or businesses

    5) cleaning cages or rooms at a pet store or veterinarian

    6) picking up trash in yards

    7) collecting cans/bottles getting paid for them by weight

    Keep looking and hope I gave you an idea. Good Luck!

  2. Cupid,

        There aren't enough pet sitters to go around. Everyone needs someone to feed the cat and empty the box for two or three days once in awhile.  My dogs are fine for 4 or fewer days since they have each other, as long as someone is coming by twice a day, and I am willing to pay a fair price for it too.  I'm typical.  Most people with pets will gladly pay 15 bucks a day if they can rely on you and trust you to feed their animal and not swipe anything.  You might be trustworthy but some are not, so if you get a good reputation for being trustworthy and doing a good job, everybody within half a mile might be a potential customer.  You could end up busy for several hours on a holiday weekend.  5 customers x 15 bucks a day for 3 days is $225.

       Make sure you meet the pet first.  You don't want to sign up for someone's insane pitbull and find out after they left town.  You should also have an adult go with you.   Do you have a brother or sister that would go if you split the cash?


  3. to get more customers put up a sign at the grocery store with little tear strips with your number.  But be careful, make sure they are good people somehow.  

    Gardening?  Raking leaves in the fall?  I used to iron my dad's shirts and pants.  bake sale?  washing cars?

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