
Whats an easy way to sneak into a R rated film if your 16?

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I'm only like 5"7 and I like watching funny movies like Superbad and stuff with people. For the new movie College... what is the easiest way of getting in with my girlfriend without getting in trouble?




  1. walk

  2. Bring your Mommy

  3. If she is over 18, you wouldn't have a problem.  I doubt you'll get in otherwise.

  4. If she's 18, you can get in.

    The only other thing I can think of is a fake ID, or try to make either you or her look over 18...if you get a good ID or one of you really looks over 18, you won't get in trouble.

  5. get a parent to buy the ticket

  6. buy a ticket for a different movie. go to the bathroom, and then come out a few minutes later and walk to the movie of your choice. (they won't remember your movie, and even if they did, why would they care?)

  7. buy the theater,


  8. Haha, at my theater I just walk on in to R rated films. And im only 15 :D

    If they watch you or whatever just try to stay amongst the movie people crowd.. But, seriously. The worst thing that could happen is that you get caught and thrown out.

    They dont throw you in jail xP

    Ohh, and if you mustt get a ticket, get someone over 18 to get it.. unless their the cheapo ones then just buy one for some childrens flick.

    good luck!


  9. get yout p**n off the internet like every one else...

    Bob - Tucson

  10. The easiest way is to get a fake ID but there are still ways if thats not a viable option. A lot of theaters don't check IDs at the ticket counter and even more at the entrance. If you are going to try to buy your ticket yourself, if there is one, try to pick out the teller that looks the youngest, nicest, and most likely to give you a break even if they have a suspicion. If you think you can pull it off, you (or your girlfriend depending) could try to flirt with the teller when buying your ticket if they give you a good time (although prob won't work if they know that you are on a date w/ somebody already). Definitely try to look and act as old as you can and try to get your girlfriend to do the same. Whether you drove there or not, you might want to try to discreetly flash a set of keys that include a car key. You can also pretend like you are a college student and, if you can get your girlfriend to go along with it, pick a local college and have a pretend dialogue about it with your girlfriend. Talk about stuff like classes or teachers or dorms or whatever makes it seem the most like your a college student. You have to be very careful about the keys and the college talk because, if done improperly, you will just draw even more attention to yourself. These techniques can be done in front of either the ticket seller or the entrance (or both if the two are sufficiently separated from each other so its not obvious). Make sure to act confident and cool like you are over 17 and this is no big deal and your girlfriend the same. Another route would be to try to have someone over 17 buy the tickets for you if you think you can pull it off at the entrance. You could also find a couple over 17 who want to see a movie not R rated and that are willing to buy your tickets if you buy theirs and then you just trade later. The easiest way to do it is to go on at a time when you the theater wont be full such as not friday or saturday night and especially not opening night of a big movie and just buy a ticket for another movie, then go to like the bathroom or the concession stand (or go to the movie you bought your tickets for), then from there go to the movie that you really want to see. You have to be very careful to be inconspicous and be as low profile as you can. This will only work if you are going to a relatively big theater with multiple screens that are far apart, its a night where the theaters kinda busy and its easy to get lost in the crowd (so you are not like the only two people there) but also a time when your R rated movie isn't busy (like the opening night of a different really big movie), you don't make yourself obvious (like talking a lot, being loud, being disruptive, being obnoxious, etc.), your theater doesn't check tickets during the movie no matter what, and if you are not afraid to take the risk of being caught and getting kicked out for that not or permanently or w/e and getting embarssed in front of your girlfriend. The last strategy works in my theater but i don't know what yours is like. Good luck.

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