
Whats an example of an industry that has been outsourced for the sole reason of less environmental regulations

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  1. The manufacture of specific chemical compounds, i.e. PCBs DDT, etc.  Google Bhopal India.

  2. Recycling scrap steel.  We actually ship scrap steel off in boats across the ocean.  Crazy.

  3. The east coast (of the UK) herring industry. My grandfather  was the skipper of a herring boat he told tales of the North sea being alive with them. People on the east coast had their own little boats and would go out and catch enough to last them all through the winter. So much was landed that the air round Lowestoft was filled with the smell.of rotting fish as the excess unsold catch was spread on the fields as fish manure.

    I wish there had been some enviromental regulations then, we may still be able to fish for herring in the North Sea.

  4. Nobody would admit that that was the sole reason. Most places with lax regs also have cheaper labor, so the outsourcing becomes a two-fer.

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