
Whats are good come backs in these situations?

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If your saying sorry to someone and then they say " yeah you better be sorry"

whats a clever comeback if someone says that

and also if someone say "I'll chop off my balls and shove them down your friggin throat bitttch"

xx thanks ever so much




  1. heres a knife, i'm waiting!

  2. if they say you better be sorry ask why

    but i don't get this one-

    I'll chop off my balls and shove them down your friggin throat bitttch"

    if someone said the exact same thing to me, i would ask them why they would want to cut off there balls to put in my mouth- qu*er!

    get some one else to do that sick sh*t wit you

  3. say.

    go home.

    haha ialways do.

  4. If your saying sorry to someone and then they say " yeah you better be sorry"

    1. Its hard not to feel sorry for YOU.

    2. Not as sorry as your Mama when she saw your ugly face for the first time.

    3. Or what... you'll make me sorry? lol

    "I'll chop off my balls and shove them down your friggin throat bitttch"

    1. You have balls? d**n, I thought you were a woman!

    2. Does your Mom/Girlfriend not keep your balls in her purse?

    3. Shove? With balls as small as yours, I'm sure they'll slip down fairly easily.

    4. Honey, don't kid yourself- you don't have any balls, at least you don't act like it.

    5. OK, and when I s**t them out, I'll give them back to you, they'll match your s**t covered d**k!

    6. And the world will breathe a huge sigh of relief coz your moron genes won't have the chance to spread any further

    or you can just retaliate with a similar threat like:

    Yeah? And I'll rip your head off and p**s down your throat.

    Really? Won't change the fact you're a human w@nk-stain.

    My, that was fun!

  5. No 1...........Why?

    No 2............Don't forget the salt and pepper.

  6. Well as far as the first one is concerned, I'd ask why or I'd just point at them and laugh and walk off.

    The second one, well why would they do that? It'll hurt them more than it'll hurt you!

    That's just stupidity at it's most impressive.

  7. If your saying sorry to someone and then they say " yeah you better be sorry"

    Let's just say I'm as sorry as I can be for offending a dork/assh*le/

    jerk like you.

    Don't go ninja on me over a two bit apology. man. I didn't say it 'cause I meant it.

    and also if someone say "I'll chop off my balls and shove them down your friggin throat bitttch"

    You wanna borrow my manicure scissors?

    Well small as they are you won't miss 'em, that's for sure.

    I never credited you with big smarts, my man but,on the basis of that remark, your absolute lack of brain power is stupifying.

    Now if someone says I'll chop your balls off and shove them down your throat

    Tell him to bring plenty of help cause you don't let strangers touch your balls and he is as strange as it gets.

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