
Whats been more violent, christian vs christian or muslim vs muslim?

by Guest21197  |  earlier

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which conflict has resulted in the most deaths or been the most violent, catholic vs protestant or shia vs sunni.




  1. Pretty much all religions in general, it doesn't matter which one.

  2. Waaaay back when, Christians were just as violent as the Muslims. But then again, this was in the dark ages, middle ages, and partially in the renaissance, though not as much.

    As far as current day conflicts go, however, I'd have to say that Muslims are way more violent. The only Christian conflicts I'm aware of are the protestants and the catholics in Ireland, and that's mostly died out. Shias and sunnis, however, have fought bloody battles amongst each other (and even between themselves) ever since Mohammed died centuries ago.

    Muslims stand out, because they're the only religion that will kill members of the same particular following of it. For example, you never see protestants bombing other protestants.

    So, yeah... Muslims take the lead, by far.

  3. Muslim vs muslim the cristians are more restraint and would not kill/bomb wemon and Children however we have seen this time and time again the muslim don't give a **** they'll bomb who ever they want....

  4. muslim vs muslim.

    Christians actually have morals and dont kill. muslims kill because they are taught to kill anything that isnt like them.

  5. hard question. no one relay counts death toll with in the same religion. but muslims are definitely are the one that enjoy killing, so i assume they are the more violent one

  6. Muslim on Muslim would win that, they have been hating each other longer than the protestant religion has been around

  7. the question sounds simple at a glance but its a lot more complicated than that if you want a real answer. in order to say someone is a real Christian or a real Muslim you have to know their heart which no human can know. only God know who is legit. a simple answer though is this:

    if you know God then you don't murder. if you are just religious then you probably look for reason to murder.  

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