
Whats been on your mind recently?

by Guest59033  |  earlier

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you can rant if u like




  1. Nothing.... I like it that way.  

  2. Two things... one, how flippin' expensive it is to do the brakes in my car... two, work stuff (like how many calls are we going to get tonight, or can I actually eat dinner for once).

  3. This song keeps playing in my head after hearing it..."It's only words, and words are all I have, to take your heart away."

  4. You are so kind to let us rant. I have sooo much on my mind. I don't know rather to sell my house & rent an apartment or wait awhile. I am looking for a slightly used car.  I don't know who I want to date. There are two new men in my life and I am slow to decide what to do about that. I don't want to hurt any one. Maybe I will just not date either. lol

    Thanks for letting me rant.  

  5. My mom's financial problems I hope she's okay I hate seeing her cry.


  6. Multicoloured crockery,

  7. i can't seem to keep still! as soon as i find something good on t.v. it becomes boring so i get up to eat something even if i am not hungry. i then go on the phone and txt everyone until that gets boring then i go on y!a for a while and save people from committing suicide, i explain the meaning of existance, the calculations for figuring out how to bend space, then that gets boring so i lay down and stare at the ceiling, but i just can't stop thinking and thinking and thinking.........-blurey

  8. Will I be able to get enough hours at work to pay for rent and necessities until I can loose enough weight and get in good enough shape to go to basic. How will I do in basic? How long will tech school take? Will I do it all in enough time to be able to go back to school 2nd semester.

    Then, God, what if they find something that will prevent me from being able to join the military? How will I deal with it? How will I go to college again?

    Money, money, money. Weight. Then more money.

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